Di María y Marquinhos del PSG victim de robo mientras jugaban

(CNN) – The star of Paris Saint-Germain, Ángel Di María, unintentionally withdrew from the party that his team played before Nantes El Domingo, after receiving the notice that his house was robbed, informs AFP.

The PSG told AFP that Di María was one of the players who were victims of robberies while playing the game.

A source close to the AFP investigation is the moon that even the robbery is produced by the family of Di María, in his house in Hauts-de-Seine, no violence.

CNN has been in contact with representatives of Di María and the Paris tax authorities to request comments. El PSG is not important.

Di María was replaced by his compatriot Leandro Paredes in the 62nd minute and immediately watched by the stadium’s tunnel. The midfielder flew more late to the bench.

The Argentine’s house was not the only one to be suspended during the party’s time.

Roban la casa de los padres de Marquinhos

The house of the fathers of the club captain, Marquinhos, also escaped as a result, in the presence of his family, according to a communication in the name of the Brazilian defender.

Marquinhos made a gesture during the PSG Champions League match against Barcelona on the principles of this month.

«Nadie results herido, todo the world is well and recovers from the susto. The French authorities initiated an investigation “, the communiqué agreed.

Between the home side’s side, in which the PSG lost 2-1 and scored three points after the league leader, Lille, coach Mauricio Pochettino took the lead in the media.

“There are football situations that you have in mind,” he said. “I believe that the players are the first to be conscientious, like us, from the deception of having lost three points, but there are other things that preoccupy the group.

“They are concerned only with the derrota, sin for things that are probably known.

“It’s not an excuse, but it’s an unusual energy chain.”

The PSG won in the meantime with a goal by Julian Draxler, but the goals of Randal Kolo Muani and Moses Simon in the second period will give Nantes a victory that will probably go up against the French champions.
