DHS advises that older adult immigrants are being evicted | Univision Immigration News

The Secretary of the Department of National Security (DHS), Alejandro Mayorkas, advised this March that the older adult immigrants who were detained on the front lines by illegal entry were immediately dismissed by the authority that confers a Title 42, by Donald Trump to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

“The Detention Center on the Upper Frontier is holding more adults who are currently being prosecuted by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to manage the public health crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic” , dijo Mayorkas in a declaration published on the digital page of DHS.

The official agreed that “compliance with this authority under Title 42 of the Code of the United States, the adult adults of Mexico and the countries of the Northern Triangle (El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) will be expedited to Mexico”.

Indicates that “the adult adults of other countries are expelled from their countries of origin if Mexico does not accept”.

The United States National Security Officer states that “there are limited exceptions to our use of CDC eviction authority. For example, we do not expel people with serious vulnerability determinations ”.

As far as families are concerned, “when Mexico’s capacity is being expanded, we will be working with families and settlers in immigration procedures here in the United States”.

Serious problem

The situation that is living on the front lines is described by the Casa Blanca as a “serious problem”, as long as the Republicans have a crisis without precedents.

Respectively, Mayorkas says the governing body is all too likely to announce the emergence, saying a while ago President Joe Biden recounted various reasons his predecessor had decreed in the wake of a ‘zero tolerance’ migration policy.

To dismantle Trump’s credentials system, the governor should now pay tribute to the 1997 Judicial Flow and the 2008 LePy TVPRA, which regulates the way in which lesser minors owe and respect the migration process, obligations that the governor previously classified “lagoons” or “vacations” legally.

“The situation on the upper front is difficult. We will work day and night for management and we will continue indefinitely. This is our job. We are progressing and we are executing our plan. Tomará time and we will not vacillate in our tener exit compromise “, indicated Mayorkas.

Avizoran record of detentions

In the declaration published this March, Mayorkas detailed the work plan that the governor had in place on the front. Dijo that the objective “is a secure, legal and orderly immigration system that is based on our fundamental priorities: maintain our secure front lines, address the difficult situation of the children as it requires the leave and allow families to be together”.

Advirtió adds that “we are in a truck to meet with more individuals on the upper front than in the last 20 years”, and will ensure that we are pulsating to the majority of adults and families. We are not expulsion to nines or companions. We are ensuring our front, executing the Public Health Authority of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to salvage the public audience and propose migrants, and protect them. We have the most work to do ”.

Sin embargo, signal, “this is not new. We experimented with increasing repeats of the migration antes, in 2019, 2014 and also antes. Since April 2020, the number of encounters on the Upper Front has steadily increased ”.

Mayorkas also results in the work carried out by the Patrol Frontier agents to “process the migratory flight on the frontier” and results that between these areas “are important to identify who is leaning against our most fronts and who will be following them in advance ”.

Detention of detainees

In view of the frontier detainees’ edifice, Mayorca’s information reveals that the Mayor’s frontier detainees in Mexico are “adult adults” who have been released on Title 42.

“The eviction of solitary adults does not represent an operational challenge to the Frontier Patrol due to the speed and minimum load of expulsion”, indicated.

As far as the families are concerned, the secretary says that “there are also currently being dismissals under the authority of Title 42 of the CDC”.

“The families of Mexico and the lands of the Northern Triangle are expelled from Mexico less than Mexico without the capacity to receive the families. Families of distant lands in Mexico or the Northern Triangle are expelled from their lands of origin. If you can make exceptions when a family member has a vulnerable vulnerability, ”he said.

Indicates that the limited capacity of Mexico has affected our resources, including in the Valley of the Great Riviera (Texas). When Mexico’s capacity is expanded, it processes families and settlers in immigration procedures here in the United States ”.

Reiteró adds that, in order to await the emergence, the governor has been associated “with community organizations to test family members and provide them with security necessary for the COVID-19 protocols”. Pero advised that the recursos son escasos.

Menores Geen Accompañados

In the process of the Minor No Accompanied (UAC), some of the six years he has been in custody on the frontier, “his vulnerable and terminated relatives with the practice of the previous administration of expulsors”, dijo Mayorkas, in reference Trump’s governing policy lasts through the forced separation of families prohibited by a California federal court.

Explained that the UAC “were involved in an installation of the Frontier Patrol and processed for its transfer to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)”.

“The Office of the Aduanas and the Frontier Protection (CBP) is a step ahead of the system and requires a transfer to the HHS within the 72 posterior hours for approval,” it said.

He added that the HHS “retains the child for testing and weighs in quarantine, and the protégé has been working with a patron here in the United States. In more than 80% of the UAC cases, there is a family member in the United States, and in more than 40% of the family members, they are a legal guardian, ”he said.

Mayorkas recognizes that debit to the high number of UAC detentions in the frontier and the lack of sufficient space, “the transfer of nines from the Patrol Frontier to HHS always takes place in the place of 72 hours”.

Culpan ‘n Trump

In detailing the causes that generate the actual migratory migration that the governor resists in identifying as a crisis, Mayorkas sent a long list of causes and difficulties that the governor of Biden inherited from the governor earlier. Among them to include:

“The situation we are currently facing on the upper front is difficult,” Mayorkas said. And make sure that the attention of the UAC is maintained on our safe and “front-line” fronts.

