Deuda millonaria dejaría en la calle a herederos de Maradona!

Hijos y nietos de Maradona (Photo: Diego Maradona – Instagram)

Speaking of the death of Diego Armando Maradona’s football astro on November 25, the theme of his sobriety has been quite gloomy. It is as if it were being managed in the media with cannabis algae, but there are details that have been revealed little by little, such as the real number and who are the official herders.

Taking into account different versions, the Maradona herenica is estimated at 50 million dollars, including capital, properties, automobiles and other valuables.

Notwithstanding, winning lies, women receiving the fortune of the saldrian footballer losing by mistake a penny.

Follow us Infobae, the Diez disgusted his diner when he played with the Naples of Italy in the finals of the 80s, for which he acquired a debt with the Hacienda which currently rises to more than 31 million dollars.

The good and bad of the case is that for 2017, the debt with the Italian Hacienda has been annulled, but all changed recently when the Regional Tributary Commission of Naples revoked its decision, as the compromise remains vigilant.

If so, the juxtaposition of the case is in need to cover the debt as a matter of fact and furthermore, it is as if a person was involved in a legal process revealed that if this financial compromise is paid, no quarantine will be paid by a single millionaire patrimony of Maradona.

To materialize this procedure, El Diego’s houses did not receive any notice of heresy on the part of his father, due to the administrative months of the star.

But if it were to happen, some people would have been informed that there were more than 60 civil and criminal cases against the Argentine bankruptcy, in the manner in which part of the hernia tends to serve to compensate the claimants for the cases of justice.

As far as this reality is concerned, these 2019 phrases are being completed, as the Argentine astro has been blaming his herenia and said that “nothing will happen to him”.

“People say to all who are not going to say anything, they are going to donate”, Maradona said in a video posted on YouTube.

Without embargo, according to the Argentine law, a person can only give a third of his assets in a will, and the rest will be transferred directly to his wife or wife.
