Detienen’n vernaamste sospechoso de la matanza de una familia en Concepción las Minas, Chiquimula – Prensa Libre

Juan Ángel Pérez García, detained by the PNC during the conception of the Minas.  (Photo: PNC)

Juan Ángel Pérez García, detained by the PNC during the conception of the Minas. (Photo: PNC)

The authorities captured this February 15th a man involved in the murder of a family on February 12th at his Conception House in Minas, Chiquimula.

Treated by Juan Ángel Pérez García, who was arrested by agents of the National Civil Police in coordination with the Fiscalía against the Delito de Femicidio.

The agents are transferring to Pérez García ante juez to respond to loads of assigned. Según Edgar Gómez, fiscal against the Delito de Femicidio, Pérez García is the main suspect in the crime.

According to Berónica Judith de León, head of the tax office against the Delito de Femicidio, the five victims are their families, three children and two adults.

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On the day of the crime, the victims were identified as Mary of Transit Gallardo Ramos, 30 years old; Carlos de Jesús Ramos Soto, 62; Alejandra Jasmin Gallardo Ramos, 11; Julia del Transito Gallardo Ramos, 9, y Carlos Ramos del Transito Gallardo Ramos, 4. El pequeño Carlos fue decapitado en la scena y las niñas fueron ultimadas cuando dormían.

La matanza ocurrió en la aldea Liquidámbar, area rural de Concepción las Minas.

The Public Ministry informs the party 14 that it is investigating a possible family dispute that could have ended with this crime against five people.
