Detienen al cicar M3 del CJNG tras balaceras en Nayarit

Nayarit.- Luego de que se diera a conoert de una fuerte balacera en la region de Guayabitos, en el estado meico de Nayarit, se comenzó a diffundir un video donde masters detention of Erick Joel del Toro López, also known as M3, sicario del Card Jalisco New Generation, following the own declaration.

And a video of the 44 segundos compartment of the perfect Twitter @CMF_GlobalRisk, watch the moment and a military journey with las manos atadas on a male adult approximating 45 years of age, wearing a chalk collar on one black color player and a color pants pants.

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At the moment of looking for the man who realizes the grab, who is supposed to be a military belonging to the Secretariat de la Defensa Nacional, began to be interrogated in how many details as its number, criminal organization to what belongs and its power in dicho group.

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The man immediately became in front of the man who was grabbing and waiting for the camera to respond to the questions, declaring that his name was Erick Joel del Toro López, apodado M3, who was seen as the secretary of the Jalisco New Generation Card, and would be plaza.

In the video of the detention of sicario M3, observe the presence of three soldiers of Mexican Ejército; one that the companion has to find the grabber boy, or a little distance from the grabber, and one more attraction, to appear vigilant to another person who presumably also was detained, so that he does not appear to be complete in the video, but only sells his hat and braz mientras is sento rodeado de militares.

To find the hechos ocurrieron in a corner of the region of Guayabitos, nombre que recibe una hermosa y turistica mexicana perteneciente al municipio de Compostela, Nayarit.

This region is known to many Mexican tourists as foreigners, to find very close to the Sayulita beach and one of the most visited tourist destinations in Mexico: Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.

This tourist region where the balacera entre el Ejército Mexicano y sicarios del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación and the detention of Erick Joel del Toro López “M3”, is located in the Pacific, just in the colindancia of the state of Nayarit and Jalisco, place of origin is the origin of the narcotics card.

Detention of Erick del Toro “M3” of CJNG tras balaceras in Guayabitos, Nayarit

Balacera en Nayarit contra memembros del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación

According to the information provided by the social authorities and which has not been confirmed by the Mexican authorities, the balances between the security organizations of Mexico against the integral prescriptions of the Card Jalisco New Generation, dating in the urban area of ​​Guayabitos, some videos grabbed from the Bahá’í Bahá’í community while people are playing in the beach and playing hide and seek.

Posteriorly, the balacra is extended by the zone has to lie to the rods that rodean dicha bahía in the Mexican pacific, ya que más videos de las balaceras fueron difundidos por social nets show the moment that motorists queaban for the carriage close to the place, decides to walk backwards so as not to get caught between the bales.

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At the moment, the total number of detainees known to the powder has been released, as well as the death number, and it was also reported by the Secretariat of the National Defense if there are any criminal offenses. heridos.

While it has been difficult to find social issues, it is through the balacasons in Guayabitos, Nayarit, against the present members of the Jalisco New Generation Card, that it has taken out the insurance of various armed forces, among them multiple grenades.

Register for Balacera in Guayabitos, Nayarit 3
