Detective in Cuba South African variant of COVID-19

The South African variant of the new coronavirus is legal in Cuba.

“It was detected during the vigilance that was taking place at ports and airports… and an asymptomatic route”, said the witnesses in a comparison with the doctor María Guadalupe Guzmán of the Institute of Tropical Medicine Pedro Kourí. Although the case was “imported”, Guzmán did not say that the variant was circulating locally.

Tanto Guzmán as the director of Epidemiology, Francisco Durán, denies that the rebrote of the first weeks of this year is related to the South African variant and attributes to it that the population does not follow the sanitary protocol.

Cuba has collected 20,060 accumulated cases – 530 registered juveniles and 188 bankruptcies.

Cuba, which has undergone a relative control of the virus this year with complete provinces that does not report cases in more than 100 days, has begun an escalation of restrictions with the authorization in November of commercial flights for the arrival of tourists and Cubans living abroad. The Protocol includes the realization of proofs and readings in the domiciles of travelers, but also the increase in cases where the restrictions restricting procedural steps and requiring a negative test before the embargo.

The recommendation:

Currently there are territories that volvieron to close its schools, restrictions on circulation and closure of some economic activities. The use of the barbeque and the social distance is mandatory.

Durán indicates that most countries are detecting cases involving COVID-19 passenger passengers in the United States, where the mayor of Cuban emigrants lives.

The most recent variants of the virus that are operated on in the United Kingdom, South Africa and Brazil do not require more lethality, coinciding with Guzmán and Durán, but they can be spread more easily and the scientists can ensure that in more cases, deaths and hospitalizations.

In addition, the changes to the large larynx lead to a reduction in the capacity of the vacancies as they develop.

Cuba initiates this week the implementation of trials immunizing up to 900 people – and the next week hopes to reach 150.0000 – as part of the tests with its sober candidate 02, created by its laboratory proposals.
