A New Day shared the photo with the que Salma Hayek robes all the miracles have one hours. And it is in this publication the Mexican appears exposing his complete body with a bikinazo in purple color. For a fan of the distraction program that the sea on its back reflects manipulation by photoshop.
“No single account that Photoshop curves the mar …”, wrote a user of the red. And it’s that behind Hayek the sea literally appears to haunt the center.
“The effect that logaron al, practically, make see the deformed sea, fue alisar the skin of the actress”, aseveró the designer salvadoreneo Christian Domínguez. Además bajo el ojo del experto ésta también dice que le hicieron ver los senos más grande. “Dibujaron mejor su cintura y le adelgazaron los brazos”.
“Hicieron ajuste de los lados para hacerla ver inclus más delgada y hasta encogida”, corroboró Anamaría Margarita Espinoza Osorio, design professor and professional photographer of origen salvadoran.
Before the criticisms were leveled at the Instagram of Telemundo’s math program, many empezaron to call haters who were bad at the image, but no doubt that the reality was a lot of graceful use of photoshop. El mar la delató.