Destructoid celebrates the 35th anniversary of The Legend of Zelda

Zelda week ends, bitches

It is with great sadness that I have to announce an end to Zelda week here on Destructoid. Over the past few days we have compiled a series of articles on The legend of Zelda in celebration of its 35th anniversary. When Nintendo announced a Direct last week, I was sure there would be a big outburst for the franchise, just like it did with Super Mario. Alas, all we got was the confirmation of Skyward Sword HD.

There are 364 days left for Nintendo to hold an official celebration The legend of Zelda, but for today, Destructoid has discussed you with a summary of all the articles our authors have posted over the past week. Come in, because here’s an excellent read.

Ocarina of Time

  • We asked the Destructoid staff and the community to name their favorite boss fight out of the country Zelda franchise. I did not realize there is such a great love for Stallord, but I am 100% for this.
  • Zoey Handley, the author formally known as Adzuken, shares her thoughts on the importance of Zelda to move console games from its arcade roots. Batteries in her house also last always.
  • Jonathan Holmes still loves it Skyward Sword for what else would you expect from the man who would like to drop by? Smash. But seriously, Skyward Sword it’s silly, and here’s the hope that Nintendo will make some necessary changes to the Switch remaster.
  • As a counterpoint to Holmes’ article, community member TroyFullbuster wants you to know that they still hate Skyward Sword. I wish I could say I hated no game in this series, but Ghost Hourglass exist, so …
  • Music has been an important aspect of the series since its inception, and Zach Bennett recounts how Breath of nature carries the legacy of sound that Ocarina of Time. If you do not think Breath of nature has a great soundtrack, you really need to listen to it a second time.
  • Zelda II: The Adventure of Link is often called ‘the hard’ Zelda game, “and this year I beat it for the very first time. But not without a little help. I think now I finally have to fight Majora’s masks. Or Oracle of Ages. Or Tri Force Heroes, but I think I need two other people for one.
  • It’s a guy, but a nice one. Community member Seymour investigates gender in Breath of nature.
  • Chris Moyse explains why The legend of Zelda animated series was one of the worst things that ever came out of DIC. The only way ua Zelda cartoon is more if Nintendo gave the license to Seth MacFarlane.
  • Eventually, the Destructoid community contributed their own stories The legend of Zelda, looking back at his best characters and moments and why this series is so important to so many people.

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