Destroy the seat of an NGO denouncing violations against the DDHH in Nicaragua

ARCHIVO PHOTO: Cenidh members demonstration against the Ortega regime in Nicaragua (EFE / Jorge Torres)
ARCHIVO PHOTO: Cenidh members demonstration against the Ortega regime in Nicaragua (EFE / Jorge Torres)

A seat of the NGO Centro Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos (Cenidh) was destroyed, as confirmed on Saturday, as reputed samples were found in an area controlled by Daniel Ortega’s regime in Nicaragua. the fundamental rights.

The furniture of the Cenidh in Managua, lived in the mansion of President Daniel Ortega, institute in manos del Gobierno, which was confiscated in December 2018, lies that the NGO has denounced crimes committed by the humanities committed by police and Sandinistas against hundreds of people who participated in the massive anti-government protests this year.

Tomadas photographs appear in the manner of a clandestine master who is the only one who made the parishes during the edification.

La ex sede del Cenidh destruida
La ex sede del Cenidh destruida

“The Cenidh has no quarters, no furniture, no one person, Cenidh is all #Nicaragua who demands justice, liberty, democracy and human rights #Non-called”, published by ONG, on his Twitter account.

The Cenidh has been responsible for the regime of at least 325 deaths, including dozens of police incidents, during the armed attacks against the Pacific demonstrations, which resulted in hundreds of deaths, deaths and deaths, hereditary miles, and miles of exile.

“Hosting human rights organizations has no end in sight. All my solidarity with Cenidh, ”said Antonia Urrejola, spokeswoman for the Nicaraguan Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (CIDH).

Following the denunciations, the destruction of the moving property has taken its toll, saying that the Cenidh and other four NGOs defenders of human rights in Nicaragua will issue information revealing that at least 49 indigenous people will be killed by 2020.

Communication of the Cenidh Announces the Destruction of its Antigua Sede in Managua
Communication of the Cenidh Announces the Destruction of its Antigua Sede in Managua


The activist of the Nicaraguan origin Bianca Jagger, at the name of the foundation that lives up to its number in the United Kingdom, sent a message directly to Ortega about the aggression against Cenidh.

“In the name of @TheBJHRF (Foundation of Human Rights Bianca Jagger, by his seals in English) denunciation and condensation is new act of aggression by the dictator #Ortega against the respectable Center Nicaragüense de Derechos Humanos @cenidh. We show solidarity with the valued DDHH staff who are present and hosted. #SomosCenidh ”, wrote the activist, in his Twitter account.

For his part, CIDH’s executive secretary Paulo Abrao enumerated in one of Nicaragua’s actions against the Cenidh. “1 State repossessed and assessed, 2 (quit) legal personality, 3 confiscated from the court, 4 criminalized on the free financing, 5 destroyed its facilities”. It soon became clear that Nicaragua had an “Exceptional State”.

The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega.  EFE / Jorge Torres / Archive
The President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega. EFE / Jorge Torres / Archive

The Center for Justice and the International Court of Justice (Cejil), convened in Costa Rica, also took to Twitter to show its response “this new aggression against @cenidh and the de facto decision executed by the Governor. Our solidarity with the defenders of DDHH that, under the auspices of the courts, sigues companies in their labor ”.

Nicaragua has experienced a socio-political crisis that has not been observed since the 1980s and 1990s, also with Ortega in the Presidency.

With EFE information


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