Destituyen coronel que amenazó con apresser membros de la prense durante toque de queda

The National Police announces this ruling on the removal of its members from the coronel Neris Aguiar, who was in charge of the Boca Chica municipality, through the filtering of an audio file confirming that members of the press during the trial.

“The professionals of periodism are important people in our society, can with their valorous labor logran mantener informed to the city, by which we will not allow atropellos or failure to respect this valiosa function”, indicates part of the communication of the institution castrense.

Assimismo, informs that the official is being investigated by the Inspectorate General.

“We will not allow any court to tolerate that any member of our association bids the representatives of the press complete with the work of his job”, the entity points out in the referendum document.

In the audio section it is possible to listen to Aguiar indicating that there is no room for periodicists, photographers and cameras to identify themselves with the notebook of the media as pertaining to the need for governmental permission.

In addition, if a physical document is required to establish the activity that cohabitation will take place during the restricted schedule.
