‘Destiny 2: The Witch Queen’ has been postponed until 2022

The next Destiny 2 expansion will not be issued this year. Bungie says it slows down The Witch Queen until 2022, partly due to complications due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

“With COVID-19 keeping us out of the office and the sheer amount of work on our boards, we had to move the date to make sure that both this year’s updates and The Witch Queen both were delivered according to the quality we strive for, and according to a schedule that made sense to everyone involved, “wrote assistant game director Joe Blackburn. The studio also realized it needed another chapter. add to Light fall (the expansion originally planned for 2022) to round off the ‘first saga of fate’.

Bungie has already considered moving the annual expansions to the first half of the year, mainly for the sake of ‘the health of the team’. The impact of COVID-19, together with the complexity of The Witch Queen and other plans the studio is planning for 2021 have apparently made the call easier.

On the other hand, Blackburn has positive news for Destiny 2 players in his post. Bungie is. He said the studio will perform alpha tests during season 14 with the goal of introducing cross-play to everyone when season 15 begins in the fall. The studio does not match computer and console players unless those on computers invite friends from other platforms to work with them.

From season 14, Bungie will track down an unpopular mechanic he returns to Destiny 2 as part of last year’s (whatever that was). The studio has introduced a sunset system that gives every weapon and piece of loot (except exotic products) an expiration date, notes. It was no longer possible to increase the power of articles a year after it was launched.

The aim was to bring better balance into the game and prevent certain weapons from being overwhelmed. Players can still use sun-saturated equipment for patrols and other activities where the power level does not matter much, but those weapons are much less useful in raids.

‘This is a big change for Destiny and one that we did not take lightly, ”Blackburn wrote. “However, we believe that there is nothing more important in Destiny than getting our rewards right.” Bungie will explore other ways to ‘create a fresh and balanced ecosystem for our most aspiring content’, but it’s unlikely to announce a new plan until then The witch queen.

Blackburn touched on a number of other points in its long position, including Bungie’s plan to tackle fraudsters. This is once a doubling of his security team. He also revealed early concept art (photo above) for one of the The Witch Queen armor.
