‘Despiértense !:’ The end of the world ‘is in the wake of the catastrophe

Washington, United States.

El relics of the apocalypse, which symbolizes the innocence of a planetary cataclysm, fue mantenido en la medianoche menos 100 segundo’s by the group of scientists que maneja, que subrayaron la gobiezer infection under the management of the pandemic and its lack of preparation ante las amenazas nuclear forces y climate.

Este symbolic clocks fcreated in 1947 by the NGO Ballet of Atomic Scientists to advertise on a cataclysm core. Last year, the advanced manicures 20 segoes and indicate the time more close to the medianche in the history of watches.

“La mortal y aterradora covid-1 pandemic9 serves as a parable of historic attention, a clear example of what national governors and international organizations are poorly prepared to make front to the armaments nuclear forces y el climatic change que really podrian acabar con la civilización“, said Rachel Bronson, director of the organization.

Every year, a group of experts composed by 13 Nobel Prizes mark the new hour.

“Despair!”, pidió a los jefes de Estado de las grandes potencias, el exgobernador de California, and President of the ONG, Jerry Brown.

United States, Russia y las potential nuclear forces del mundo deben dejar de gritarse entre sí. It’s time for eliminate las armas nuclear forces, not to build more. The same thing happens with the climatic cambio: United States, China and other important countries need to seriously address them carbon emissions“, argument.

Creation after the Second World War, el relics of the apocalypse originally pointed to siete minutos antes de la medianoche.

In 1991, the final of the Free War, retransmitted 17 minutes before medianoche. In 1953, as in 2018 and 2019, it was in the median less than two minutes.
