“Desperate to see the person who comes to mind”. Man in Mexico graduates and dies in bus | El Salvador News

A man between 30 and 35 years old failed to stop on Covid-19 aboard a bus on Route 633, which tracks the main roads of Jalisco, Mexico.

Sucedió when the transit unit is located near the Sea Market area, according to the site Milenio.com.

Testigos insure that at the moment the man, inclusive, is willing to give up the cubrebocas to be able to breathe debt and that he stays. “Desperate to see the person who comes to mind”, commented.

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Finally, the man graduated and in the parade that takes place in the Periphery Anillo on Juan Pablo Segundo, in the Belenes colony of the municipality of Zapopan, the driver detects his march to help.

At this moment, paramedics from the Cruz Verde are ready to help the person, they will not be able to do much, minutes later we will confirm his death.

The Zapopan Civil and Bomber Protection staff, disinfecting the area, leading the unit, passengers and all the personnel involved, in order to avoid any contact in case of confirmation of coronavirus death.

While working for the Secretariat of Health, they take the dates of the testimonies to follow up on their state of health; También tomaron masters of the corpse to realize the coronavirus detection test.

Mexico enfrenta rebroteer

The death toll from coronavirus in Mexico has surpassed that of India, which is found in the country with the third highest number of cases by Covid-19, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The latest Johns Hopkins data show that Mexico reported 155,145 deaths after covid-19 since the pandemic began, while India reported 154,010.

India has a population of 1,350 million, more than 10 times the Mexico.

Esto ocurre mientras México lucha contra un brote cada vez burgemeester de covid-19. The domino, the president of the country, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is positive about the virus.
