Descubrieron fosa clandestina en Tijuana con al menos siete cadáveres

The group, made up of families of disabled people, initiated the excavations this week after receiving an anonymous phone call: alert about the existence of a clown in the area (Photo: EFE / Francisco Guasco / Archive)
The group, integrated with families of disabled people, initiated the excavations this week after receiving an anonymous phone call: alert about the existence of a clown in the area (Photo: EFE / Francisco Guasco / Archive)

Collective members Una Nación Buscando-T, in his fifth day of searching, find the seventh corpse entered in a predio del ejido Maclovio Rojas, ubicado en la zona este de la ciudad de Tijuana, of Baja California.

The group, integrated by families of disabled persons, initiate the excavations this week after receiving a anonymous telephone call: alert about the existence of a clandestine waterfall in the area.

You will find the first human remains, agents of the Fiscalia General del Estado (FGE) of Baja California go to work of A Buscando-T Nation. Debt to the indications of the existence of other corpses, workers in the site continue during the next days.

The domicile used as the clan file is located in the guise of Zapata and Article 3, and the popular colony Maclovio Rojas. The first step of a new furnace receives the first anonymous denunciations by the collective, activist Angélica Ramírez declared La jornada.

You will find the first human remains, agents of the Baja California State Fiscal Office (FGE) summarizing the work of A Buscando-T Nation (Photo: Fernando Ocegueda, President of the United Baja California Disappointment Association)
You will find the first human remains, agents of the Baja California State Fiscal Office (FGE) summarizing the work of A Buscando-T Nation (Photo: Fernando Ocegueda, President of the United Baja California Disappointment Association)

Agreeing with the media, one of the obstacles to what is happening to the collective bargaining community in the federal entity is that, when it comes to private property, not with the order of a juez to enter into the predios.

Cabe detached from the Fiscalía of Baja California no auxilia to the collectives without the corresponding order. When logró obtener una orden judicial, la FGE ingresó el sábado 2 de enero y hello ese mismo día un cadáver.

“I wish I could not stand, I could not stand to commit a crime (to break the bail) and I told him to mandate the information and that he should enter and not the criminals, but lunes me hablan como a las cuatro de la tarde y me dijo ‘Angelica ya entramos a la casa y encontramos el primer cuerpo’, me dijo el fiscal Hiram ”, dijo la activista a La jornada. I will start the work.

Cabe points out that the Baja California Taxation does not allow the collectives to have the corresponding order.  When a legal order is signed, the FGE enters Saturday, January 2nd and hello, this day has a gift (Photo: Fernando Ocegueda, President of the United Baja California Disappointment Association)
Cabe points out that the Baja California Taxation does not allow the collectives to have the corresponding order. When a legal order is signed, the FGE enters Saturday, January 2nd and hello, this day has a gift (Photo: Fernando Ocegueda, President of the United Baja California Disappointment Association)

The dependency concluded on this work is the same day. No obstacle, the search for the collective follow the 5th of March and find five more: uno de ellos ya fue identified by his relatives. The person was reported as a man who disappeared in the month of August 2020.

“There are some enteros, all completitos… The hemos sacred in different times, a fue identified by the family, ya lo saco the family. Another body ya tenía más de un anoo porque son puros huesos”, Remarcó Angélica Ramírez. In the continuous area the bus work of the collective Una Nación Buscando-T.

On the other hand, the principles of December, collectives and activists of families with disabilities are found at a later date 14 fosas clandestinas inside the municipality of Acámbaro, Guanajuato: one of the most used states by the drug and drug cartels huachicol (hydrocarbons robo) in Mexico.

A boetes van 2019, Acámbaro fue señalado como el municipalities peligroso de México, con una tasa de 95 homicidios dolosos por cada 100,000 habitantes (Foto: EFE)
A boetes van 2019, Acámbaro fue señalado como el municipalities peligroso de México, con una tasa de 95 homicidios dolosos por cada 100,000 habitantes (Foto: EFE)

In the final of the call Leona Vicario, en las faldas del Cerro del Toro, hallaron a construction abandoned. Comenzaron a picar la tierra. For the 8th of December habían localized 14 fosas and 35 bolsas con human remains. Dichos rests are placed at intervals of less than 50 centimeters in depth. I have no way of determining the sex or the oath of the people who have been disembodied and inhabited there, although the young men who have been reported missing have been reconciled by their tattoos.

For the 21st of December they are exhumed 38 fosas, 104 bolsas, 15 cuerpos completos. Over the past 45 days, groups of livestock have been living outside the Salvatierra municipal ridge, in a conocratic hut with the San Juan Ranch, 56 subterranean areas.

A boetes van 2019, Acámbaro fue senñado como el municipal peligroso de México, with a bag of 95 homicides for every 100,000 inhabitants. The violence was committed to the extent that the municipality was a director of Public Safety.


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