Describing the extremist symbols in the insurrection of the Capitol

Editor’s note: this article contains images and descriptions of extremist groups and their beliefs.

(CNN) – Banners, letters and symbols of racist groups, white supremacists and extremists are displayed next to Trump 2020 leaflets and stadium banners in the stories of the fairytales in the Capitol of EE.UU.

The images are part of the history of some of the cripples of those who choose to appear this day, from the sympathetic and pacifist sympathizers of Trump have extremists who show off their audio with their symbols and actions.

Group mezcla is a topic that preoccupies many times the experts who teach extremism and audio.

The certification of electoral results is exactly the type of event that brings together various groups and may have led to the sharing of radical ideas, dicen. The initial event, which was strongly promoted and promoted by President Trump, has all these groups as a whole.

“This is an event designed to oppose the results of free and just democratic elections and the transition to power that naturally follows,” said Mark Pitcavage, historian and extremist expert on the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

CNN works with it to identify the symbols and to understand the escalating messages of tyranny, white supremacism, anarchy, racism, anti-Semitism and audio that retreat.

Soga y horca

If only a solemn solution is used as a form of racial intimidation, Pitcavage says that in this context the watchdog should suggest a charge to commence traction. “Suggest that the representatives and senators who vote to certify the results of the elections, and possibly the Vice President Pence, are acting and must be judged and heard”, explains.

This traction rhetoric is alive and well in the news bulletin boards and previews of the event.

Three hundred percent (Three percent)

The thirteen percent (also known as III% ers, 3% ers or Threepers) are part of the United States militias and their anti-government extremists, according to the ADL.

Although other members of the militia movement, Three Percenters are equally defending the state population against the tyranny of the governor.

“Debate on how many followers of the militia support firmly support President Trump, in the last few years, Three Percenters have not been active in opposing the federal government, directing their action against other perpetrators, including dissidents, antiquities, antiquities” According to the ADL.

The number of the group comes from an inaccurate affirmation that only the tens of thousands of people in the colonies are armed and lashed out at the British during the Revolutionary War.

The banner that appears has its logo in the traditional Betsy Ross banner. Pitcavage says that the derecha groups (conventional or extreme), which are considered patriots, have been co-opted the first banner of the United States.

“Liberate the Kraken”

The banner refers to the comments of Trump’s ex-husband, Sidney Powell, that he “liberated Kraken”. Powell falsely denies that the idea that Joe Biden won the presidency was destroyed.

The “Kraken”, a giant creative marina of Scandinavian folklore, has been transformed into a meme in circles that make the election a robbery. The Kraken, dicen, is an evidence of that which is a generalized fraud. On social media, QAnon’s conspiracy and the #ReleaseTheKraken marginal sites have been increasingly shared with the false theories of fraud.

The Proud Boys and the OK signal

The ultraderech has adopted the OK sign as a provocative gesture and, for some, as a symbol of white power. The ADL aggregates this symbol on the basis of slogans and symbols used by extremists.

«Llevan gorros orange to identify between them; “In front of demonstrations, there were identification tights and another team, but he was abandoned for this event when his leader was recently arrested,” Pitcavage explained.

Los Proud Boys hold President Trump and his estate offer an end to The Stop “in Washington. The leader of the Proud Boys, Henry Tarrio, who wanted to call Enrique Tarrio, was released by the police custodia martes por cargos relacionados con presumably to call a Black Lives Matter card issued by a black church last month during the protests in the city following a demonstration of “Stop die steel.” A local order will continue to run Washington while waiting for the juice, including during protests this week.

Banners of “Kekistan”

The green, white and black banner is created by some members of the 4chan line community to represent an inventive brand called “Kek”, a fictional creature that also creates. Has been present for a long time in the fields of law and ultra law.

“The Banner of Kekistan is controversial because its design is derived in part from a Banner of the Nazi era; This apartment is proposed as a bridge, “Pitcavage explained. “The most young derechists have come from the 4chan subculture (as much as the derecha as the ultra-derecha) and they like to exhibit the Kekistan flag in myths and events”.

Modified historical banners

The Confederate and Gadsden altercation banners were displayed between the multitude in the Capitol. A variation of the Confederate battle flag includes an image of an assault rifle and the lemming “Ven y tómalo” to transmit an anti-armed control message. The phrase “come and go” paraphrase the replica of “come and go” pronounced by the reign of Spartan Leonidas in the battle of the Thermopylae when the king perse Jerjes les dijo a el ya su gente que depongan sus lanzas a cambio de sus vidas, dijo Pitcavage.

Gadsden’s is a traditional and historical patriotic banner dating from the American Revolution. The banner and the symbol are also popular among the libertarians. But also has been co-opted by derecha groups. Pitcavage explains that while the moon means as a symbol of patriotism, the other is used as a “symbol of resistance to perceived tyranny”.

Guardianes de juramentos (Eedwagters)

It’s a man with an Oath Keepers hat inside the Capitol when he was beaten. The Oath Keepers is an ultra-governmental anti-government group in favor of Trump that considers itself part of the militias engaged in protecting the country and defending the constitution. The group intends to recruit members among active military or retired, socorrists or police.

His leader launched his conspiracy theories on his blog, accusing the Democrats of robbing the elections, presumably violating them if necessary on the day of the elections during an interview with the ultra-right conspirator Alex Jones while he was standing the White House is necessary, according to the ADL.

The Confederate Banner

During the large Civil War of the United States, no Confederate battle battalion took place in the twilight of the Capitol of the United States, through the high schools, an insurrection led to the passage of its passages.

The photographers captured a man who survived the retreats of abolitionist Charles Sumner and slave John Calhoun.

The banner was always a symbol of support for slavery. After the Second World War, it was converted into a prominent symbol of Jim Crow and the segregation, said Pitcavage, is not surprising that it is a popular symbol among the supremacists, including the United States.

Flag of ‘America First’

A person covered with a banner from America First who has the logo of the podcast of the ultra-right commentator Nick Fuentes. Source assistance with the event at the Capitol, for the time being photographed permanently carrying out the Capitol edition.

“United States First” (America First) is a slogan that President Trump used to describe his foreign policy. Its adoption has been criticized by the ADL, saying it has an anti-Semitic use to maintain the United States’ fourth World War.

The ADL doubles as Fuentes is part of the “excommunication group”, which the ADL calls a white supremacist group.

“If the views of the group and the leadership are aligned with those of the white supremacist white supremacist, the groypers intend to normalize their ideology aligned with the values ​​of ‘Christianity’ and ‘traditional’ ostensibly defended by the church, including the matrimonial family. », Explained the ADL. “While ultra-Orthodox and other white supremacists, the groypers are working to defend the demographic and cultural exchanges that are destroying the ‘American America’, a white Christian nation.”

Campamento Auschwitz

Otro de los que asaltaron el Capitolio vestía un saco del «Campamento Auschwitz» (“Camp Auschwitz”, in Engels). The lower part of the dice “El trabajo trae libertad”, which is the approximation of the words “Arbeitmacht frei” in the gates of the Nazi concentration camp. Auschwitz is the largest and most infamous Nazi concentration camp, with around 1.1 million people killed during the Second World War.

Pitcavage dice that creates the bag of the now-defunct Aryanwear web site. The design, which has been around for 10 years since Pitcavage, has appeared in several web sites over the past few weeks, although a menu has been eliminated since it was announced.

Calcomanías del Nationalist Social Club

An image of the national speeches of the Nationalist Social Club (NSC) in the speeches of the EE.UU Capitol Police team. It is not clear when the photo was taken, but the stories were published in a Telegram chat that the group used, which included a Nazi symbol as part of its number.

NSC, apparently a game of phrases about the National Socialists or the Nazi party, is a neo-Nazi group that has regional capitals all over the United States as in the world, according to the ADL. It is not clear whether the label’s label refers to a New England chapter because the group was originally called the New England Nationalist Club.

“The members of the NSC have come to terms with themselves as soldiers in war against a hostile system controlled by Jews who deliberately trample on the extinction of the white race,” according to the ADL. “His objective is to form a clandestine red-collar group of white men who are willing to lash out against those who are engaged in local direct action actions.”

MAGA Civil War January 6, 2021 T-Shirts

Todavía has many intriguing people about how exactly he attacked the Capitol attack and who captured the attack. But the llamados to get rid of the government and for a civil war or race take a long time in the ultraderecha circles.

The shutters that are used by men in the grounds of the Capitol are the most important markets that I intend to remember the day. Llevaban pre-printed t-shirts, including reference to the Trump Make America Great Again slogan, along with the Civil War (Civil War, en Engels) slogans on the occasion of the event being converted into insurrection.

Many commentators in ultra-right forums have written since the attack that this is just the beginning of a civil war that many of them have been killing for a long time.
