Describes a migrant and a camion de helados in Texas

Texas, United States

Agents of the Patrol Fronteriza frustrated a peculiar attempt at contraband of persons in which the traffickers intended to pass their human cargo on a truckload of helicopters, informed the Violin Officer and the Fronteriza Office (CBP).

The incident, in which the federal agency classified “unicorn”, announced its annexation on February 24 when agents assigned to the Surat Laredo station observed a group of individuals entering various vehicles, including a truck, indicates the CBP in a bulletin.

“The agents solicited the assistance of the Department of Police of Laredo and the Department of Security of the Texas Public, and together with 17 individuals were involved in the relationship with the truck. All the people in the interior, including the conductor and the co-pilot, both city officials, were arrested, ”the text said.

In addition to the people living in the United States of Irregular Form, proceedings in Guatemala and Mexico, charges against custodianship are being carried out in more investigations.

La CBP no one was detained by any of the detainees on the personal protection team, in any case, and all of them were called to medical examinations for their safety.

“This is another example of the lack of consideration for traffickers of human beings who have exploited women, and the lack of respect for the communities in which they live,” the agency said.

It will continue to work closely with local authorities to prevent human trafficking attempts “and to bring justice to those responsible”. EFE News
