Descargan massively a Mexican application across the Gulf of Burma in Burma

Through the interruption of telephone and internet connections, the Bridgefy application has more than a million downloads in 48 hours.

Burmese residents are massively downloading the Bridgefy messenger application, created in Mexico, through the Gulf of America encapsulated by militaries, who are suspending Internet service in Asian countries.

After the detention, the passing of lunches, the high leaders of the country, including the councilor of the State and leader of the governing League of Democracy (LND), Aung San Suu Kyi, the communications interrupted during the capital, Naipyidó, in the mayor city of the country, Rangún, as well as in other zones of the country.

Although this Internet and telephony service has been restored to some extent, some social leaders opposed to Estado’s recommend that citizens use the Bridgefy application to produce new devices. Asia, ‘app’ fue descargada more than 1.1 million times in 48 hours.

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Bridgefy software allows you to send messages through an algorithm that works with Bluetooth enabled, it is possible that the people can maintain the communication included without having access to the internet, even if they do not deal with services such as WhatsApp and Telegram.

The Mexican application gained popularity in Asia in 2020, during the protests in Hong Kong and Thailand.

Bridgefy was founded by Mexican entrepreneur Jorge Ríos in 2014 and designed for people who want to maintain messages in emergencies like earthquakes, without having to depend on the internet.
