Desbaratan supuesta red de narcos que usaba artesanías y alimentos para llevar a EEUU

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

Agents of the Directorate of Lucha Against the Narcotics (Dlcn), in the bar of Suyapa de La Entrada, Copán, arrestaron a Jairon Alexander Ayala Mejía ya Ruth Mariela Rápalo Arita in the position of presumably cocaine that pretends to be sacred in the country by means of crafts.

At the moment revision of the living you will find plastic hair exposures exposed to the elaboration of adornos and in which they are camouflaged with the chlorohydrate of cocaine, practically very used in Suramérica countries

In this case, we will make six molds, four silicone molds, three adorned resin molds, a boss containing 28 grams of cocaine, as well as a bolsita with 269 grams of drug, a digital balance and two cells.

Lea also: In captivity follows three captured Icelanders with 93 kilos of cocaine

By another lad, in the Toncontín International Airport, during a routine inspection by the agents of the Directorate of Lucha Contra the Narcotrafico installed in this area terminal, a can alert that a crew transporting any type of maintenance is not required.

When the agents require a two citizens intending to travel to the city of Miami, United States, soliciting the crew and tres white shoes in the one that lifts flour, hallarin false compartments in which to transport cocaine.

All of them were referred to the Forensic Medicine Board because the toxicology laboratory issued a statement indicating that cocaine was in effect.
