Desautorizan alzas en el precio del arroz

The Minister of Agriculture, Limber Cruz, told Listín Diario to discuss the details of the retailer’s trade report, which shows the RD $ 40 is free and the government does not subsidize the agricultural sector.

Al svar op die medio sobre lo que habían dicho este miércoles los representatives of the Federación Dominicana de Detallistas de Provisiones (Fedepro) y el Frente Empresarial de Comerciantes Detallistas (Fremco), Cruz desautorizó las alzas y opino que a la poabloci le puede segu miedo ”.

“Hablar from RD $ 40 to the public. ¿De dónde sacan eso? The hay is grown by a large sector. Hoy apenas salimos de una reunion donde todo quedó claro, con inventory, y se dice que va a ser la major cosecha des los ultimos 10 años ”, aggrego el functionar tras reunirse en Bonao con los principales representative la las entidades a la producers and grain factors.

In this case, Cruz makes sure that the prices of the arrow are mantendrán without variation, debido a that the country is able to overtake the local markets and manter the stable sector.

The Minister agrees that he will pay attention to the alzas that experiment with the international sums used in the elaboration and production of food, the people can be tranquil because the governess and plan the time of spring for this year.

Without embarrassment, these miracles, to make a press release, the titles of the retail trade ads of the alzas that tend the arrow in the colmados, even if these observations of the governor are established supplementing with anteriority in the colmados, then through the list Diario, there are some of these deals that are selling the free book between RD $ 30 and RD $ 45, depending on the quality of the agricultural product.

Ayer, the Minister of Agriculture also said in the media that the grain will be sold for RD $ 23 per agreement with the producers.

Listin Diario’s question about calling it different was “Is that what the arrow is?”, And the respondents immediately respond “A RD $ 40 and RD $ 45 a book”. Luego de la interrogante de si habia uno más barato, el commentary era “sí, a RD $ 30 y RD $ 35 la libra del más economico”.

Some months ago, the book of Arroz was sold between RD $ 20 and RD $ 25, some of the best quality offered at RD $ 30.

Details of the details

The President of Fremco, Agustín Peñaló, suggested to the authorities to exempt the aduanest taxes on the importation of the prime material of the finished products such as the arrow, the pineapple, the ajo, the cebolla, the papa, between others, for these can be more helpful to consumers.



To guarantee food security and competitive prices in the market, the sector has 1,200,000 areas for cultivation, the fields are producing 12 million annual quintiles, according to the Minister of Agriculture.


De acuerdo con Limber Cruz, and the production intervals 30,000 product stores that more than 800,000 people can be proven directly and indirectly.
