Desaparece commercial aviation with 62 people in Indonesia

Yakarta, Indonesia – An aircraft from Sriwijaya Air with 62 people on board lost contact with the air traffic controllers after being deprived of the capital of Indonesia this Saturday in a domestic flight, inform the authorities.

The spokesman for the Ministry of Transport, Adita Irawati, said that the Boeing 737-500 aircraft left Yakarta at 1:56 a.m. late (local time) in contact with the control gate at 2:40 p.m.

A declaration by airline indicates that the aircraft is located within a 90-minute flight from Yakarta to Pontianak, the capital of the province of Kalimantan del Este, in the Isle of Borneo.

Before leaving, the plane took off 56 passengers and its members on the trip.

Irawati indicates that it has launched a search and rescue operation in coordination with the National Bureau of Rescue and Rescue and the National Transport Security Committee.

An aircraft on this route is being towed by the mayor on the side of the tray flying across the Java Sea in the Indian Ocean.

No avian signaling means that the night is not over.

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelago, with a population of 260 million people, has been affected by a plague of road transport accidents, but has suffered capacity constraints, deteriorating infrastructure and poor security standards.
