Deputies tildan de “pago de prebendas” y “malversación de fondus publices” parcels de alimentos del gobierno en local con emblem de CD | El Salvador News

The FMLN says that the Movement for Veterans who load food packages are “piled” with their party. René Portillo Cuadra, from ARENA, would like to announce that one of the directors of this organization is affiliated with CD.

“In summary, if you are going for one or the other, then demonstrate the page of precedents about the numbers that are the alliances”, affirmó the sub-chief of faction of the FMLN, Jorge Schafik Hándal, about the case of 1,500 packages foods that are unloaded by ferries with goblins’ logos in a local with the rotor of the CD.

The Fiscalia also inspected the site on which Teleprensa’s Twitter posted a video in which he watched frogs unloading the boxes containing food products shared by the government during the pandemic covered with contributions by the Assembly of Priests los salvadoreños.

The Fiscal General, Raúl Melara, assures that public appeals will not be used for the electoral campaign, so that the chains with permanent emeralds and order initiate an investigation with respect.

Photo EDH / courtesy FGR

Sin embargo, Pedro Avilés, treasurer of the Mesa de Unificationación del Bien Común de los Veteranos is responsible for the packages, arguing that they share a part of the furniture together with the CD, but the boxes are not eran for the party, are one help the pidieron go to the government to celebrate the 31st of January the “Day of the Veteran”.

“These packages are the ones we received to celebrate the Veteran’s Day which by legislative decree we are celebrating the 31st of these here in this room, the confusion that has been given to us by our office here and the CD also has its official name, he is the treasurer, he pays the local with the help of all the affiliates that we hold in the Unification Month of the Common Good ”, according to Avilés este viernes, has seen that the video circulates with the trucks unloading the solidarity packages.

This Saturday the organization of veterans held a conference to clarify the issues. The periodicals pidieron a copy of the card in what constitutes dicha petition of ayuda al gobierno, pero dijeron no tenerla at this moment.

“It is for the benefit of the needy, as well as for the statutes, that we, like the Junta Directive, have the obligation to take care of the rights of our veterans and that our management with the Presidential President obtains this good help and supports the President of the Republic, we have a huge preoccupation, our organization is not politics, it is at the end of luxury, with the only end to velor for the rights of the veterans ”, affirmed Gabriel Durán, Vice President of the Association of Veterans.

Avilés, the treasurer of the Movimiento added that he had not received the colors of the CD party because he had no funds to make, without embarrassment, information that he was here and in the middle of the local.

Photo EDH / Lissette Monterrosa

Áldo Álvarez, national secretary of Communications of the Democratic Republic of Cambodia, demonstrated that the party alone had a share of the infrastructure and that the park was shared with the demons. Assume that I can discuss the confusion with the packages Iban for the party and not for the Movement of Veterans.

“Even though the digo that was not a CD activity, we have been criticized in the past that we are doing things to buy votes, we have the harems we have, in addition, its packages that are for the people and the people of the public and no has nothing to do with electoral campaigns, ”Álvarez said.

The deputies of the opposition are not present at the present statements on the case. Hándal, of the FMLN, demonstrated that the Veterans Movement attributes food packages to an organization that “is concerned with the fact that we have nothing to do with it, it is the pretext for giving money to the people”, reiterates.

Dijo que llama la attención que se hable de solo 1,500 cajas cuando fueron 4 furgones los se se observaon llevando la packets al local con slogan de CD.

“I’m not sure if, for the sake of the ferries, one thing is clear, but there are some larger packages than others, for the sale in photo 1,500 (boxes) only a series of ferries, if this photo is all that allí llevaron eso cabe en un solo furgón, sin pagos de prebendas a sus aliados ya sus compadres, ni siquiera les pagan con pisto de ellos, sino con pisto de la gente, son puro clientelismo electoral ”, apuntó Hándal.

Respectfully, the deputy René Portillo Cuadra, from ARENA, stated that he has information that one of the veterans who is in videos giving information about the solidarity packages “is affiliated with the CD”.

According to the Portillo Cuadra criterion, the occupier is the one who acts as an intermediary “the intervention of a party to make the entry, which the governor hecho is directly involved in Movimiento, when he wants to start the party, at this moment is coming crime, because it is a public good, ”he said.

Insto a la Fiscalía actuar de manera exhaustive para investigar de donde vine la orden de llequets parquet a un local con rótulo del CD y quiénes en realidad los recibieron.

Regarding the foregoing, in the brindle press release this Saturday by Durán, the Vice President of the Movement signaled that the Fiscal confiscated the original lease agreement of the local and a mobile phone device of Aviles, which is the treasury of the organization. “If there is a lease agreement that we do not understand why it is clear that the quays are legal,” he said.

The taxman says on his Twitter account that “at the moment, the boxes are in the box, lists for distribution, are not available. We are presented with documentation that states that we will meet those who need it. Continuous investigation ”, published.

Ante esto, Durán pidió a la Fiscalía retirar la cinta amarilla que rodea a las cajes desde anoche que llegó fiscalía a inspektie el lugar.

To the deputy Raúl Beltrhán Bonilla, of the PCN, it is clear that the parties have held this practice of years to use public recourse in an electoral campaign, and that should not be followed, but to ask why in this case preso al alkde de Ilopango ”, question.

The previous one succeeds one day after the CD endorsed his support as a candidate in the candidacy of the former Minister of Government, Mario Durán, who competed with the Alcaldia de San Salvador for the New Ideas party.

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