Deputies convened in Ley cambios that allowed Wellington Arnaud to direct Inapa

Santo Domingo, RD.

The Chamber of Deputies converts in Ley this March the change to the one created by the National Institute of Potable Water (Inapa), allowing Wellington Arnaud to officially direct this organism.

This modification means a variation in Article 7 of Law 59-94, giving the possibility that the Inapa can be directed “by a professional in the tray tray industry”. Previously, only some with a degree in sanitary engineering could occupy this post.

In view of the fact that the Senate of the Republic has many modifications, the plenum of deputies has just announced the project which has been approved with 114 votes in favor and three against.

The project was agreed upon in the first term by the Chamber of Deputies, in August 2020, being posteriorly justified by the Presidency, with a communication stating the reasons by which Arnaud should be the director of the mentioned entity.

This decision provoked criticism, mainly from the engineers, and Arnaud did not have a university degree. All this time he was disqualified as an internal director. Wellington Arnaud has a degree in derecho.

As far as the President of the Senate, Eduardo Estrella, is concerned, the College of Engineers, Architects and Agricultural Surveyors (CODIA) agrees that the legislative piece should be approved.

“I would like to conclude, with the knowledge of all the senators, that the neurological point that is being established regarding the design of the director of Inapa is the proposal of the College of Engineers, Architects and Agrimensores, wine for the president and esta ley ”, manifesto Estrella.

The Ley will now join the Poder Ejecutivo which has the power to observe or promulgate.
