Deputies agree to increase Bukele’s veto on minimum pension increase | El Salvador News

To supersede the deputies of the presidential regimes in the three decrees of finance of the presidency of the Nation of 2020, the process will be controversial in the Constitutional Hall.

The deputies of the Hacienda Committee agree that these months will supervise the veto of President Nayib Bukele on legislative decrees that the Assembly approves, one of them to finance the increase of the minimum pension and for projects of the Municipal Development, with the support of the loan to ratify.

Fueron will agree that it will be superimposed in the plenary this week with 56 votes of the parliamentarians. Legislative Decree No. 803 relative to the pre-payment of $ 250 million from the Interamerican Bank of Development (BID), pre-emptive, which holds $ 125 million to increase the minimum pension from $ 207 to $ 304 monthly; and another $ 125 million for municipal development projects.

FAR: Nayib Bukele increases minimum pension without insuring the funds

Bukele founded its veto in which the credit with the BID was originally authorized to “support the efforts and actions of the Government of the Republic, to contain the sanitary crisis derived from COVID-19 and the economic recovery of the country”, he said. of which the governor used more than $ 1,000 million of the $ 2,000 million that the Assembly authorized to combat the pandemic.

According to the deputy Donato Vaquerano, from ARENA, the funds contained in the decrees the “robustness of the presumption” of 2021.

“We have raised our vetoes for the Sacraments for the next plenary session, as well as receiving the Notice from the House issuing an opinion on the decree giving the opportunity to meet funds for the Alcaldias and also to be corrected. y lo vamos a pasar la Proxima semana ”, explained Vaquerano.

The deputy Yanci Urbina, of the FMLN, stated in the Hacienda commission that Bukele’s veto was very “bad”.

In addition, there is evidence that the expedient details that the destination was examined on the basis that the funds allocated for the financing of the pandemic are redirected to the operation of the 2021 presumption.

Leer además: Bukele sends in the last hour veto to increase the minimum pension

“This is an initiative that has been planted, we will plant it for an important reason that we can not continue with this process of a discretionary use or misuse of public funds,” said Urbina.

The deputies also agreed to supervise another veto that Bukele had another $ 50 million fine with the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE), in order to dispense the costs of the purchase against the COVID-19.
