Deportivo Cali pone freno a la salida de Palavecino hacia River Plate

Deportivo Cali has ten intense days in the last week according to Agustín Palavecino and a short story that was formed with River Plate for the transfer of the player to Argentine football. Now it appears that emigrating, even with a more reasonable offer for the elaborate elec- tion.

Rivierprimero offers 250mil dollars for the performance of a year and Cali no quiso, lo subieron a 300mil, pero era insuficiente. Finally, the Argentine team decided to buy the 50% of Palavecino’s deportation rights that belong to the sugarcane and the remaining sigue in Platense’s manus.

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Palavecino and his empresario prionaron al Cali para que negociara and therefore was not summoned to the last three parties. In Argentina it is said that there is a hecho in his party, but the President of Cali has been able to do so in this situation, although there is no end in sight.

“Palavecino’s novel from time to time, only when it was firm… No connection with the idea of ​​saccharon la información que él jugador viaja esta semana “, señaló el presidente Marco Caicedo en die program ‘Zona Libre de Humo’.

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“If he has had conversations, has had an affair, but has not read the formal offer from River Plate; when we read the revisions and analyzes with a magnifying glass … Let us assure the judge, until he has absolute certainty and is blind that he has spoken, has nothing to say “, enfatizó the directive recording that before the word has much value, but now the negotiations take place only with the company and the money.

“Hasta que n veamos en el papel todo lo chordado ne hay nada, estamos tomando los correcos pas de defensi de la institution”, finalizó Caicedo.
