Denver Nuggets vs. Boston Celtics Facundo Campazzo is in the NBA Series [Video]

Only it should be confident that it responds. Después de los primeros 23 juegos en la NBA, this March Facundo Campazzo receive the approval of the coach of the Denver Nuggets Michael Malone in the title title in the game against the Boston Celtics. Facu’s entry will not be delayed until it is announced.

With the initiative of a little dubious in the distance media shoots, Campazzo emphatically calibrated engines in the second quarter of the Nuggets vs. Game. Celtics and tras note five following points quiso dejarlo todo en la cancha para salvar un balloon que rodaba a toda velocidad.

But before that, we are first in magic. Campazzo’s first points against the Celtics will come with a front penetration of Jaylen Brown’s brand. Read the post predicted by Campazzo in the NBA: the triple desde un costado de la cancha.

Video: Facundo Campazzo launches cabeza in the NBA

With the Argentine garrison in the race, Facundo Campazzo knows that there is no way to lose a solitary pillow, entones when the balloon is rolling, so fast and has the ability to score to score points, does not have to think twice and intends to save . El Facu has it all in the can!
