Denuncian robo de discos duros y internet shorts previo al escaneo de actas en bodegas del CNE

Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Three more than 40 hours passed through the castle of the urn on March 14th in Marchs primary and internal elections in Honduras, follow the length in order to know the first election results. There is now a robbery of publicity discos and internet cards previewing the act of scanning.

The presidential candidate of the Libertad y Refundación (Libre) Party, Carlos Eduardo Reina, has been sued in his social speeches.

“If the hard disk of the act’s scan is robbed” Electoral National Council (CNE) and cut the fibers of the optical fiber. “More than 40 hours of the closing of the Receptor Electoral Measures (MER) will take place,” Reina wrote on Twitter.

The denunciation surgeí des el interior of the las bodegas del CNE. If the cable is connected to the internet and the long discs of the computer systems are broken.

More recently, CNE’s counselor, Rixi Moncada, said that the night of the moon, the nationalist leader Fernando Anduray read that the bodegas were receiving electoral maletas and arranging for them and the technical staff to not open the boxes with the acts.

The primary and internal elections in 2021 in Honduras will be postponed until March 14, due to the failure of a system of Transmission of Pre-Electoral Electoral Results (TREP), the term of which has increased due to the CNE not disclosing official dates.
