Dems to deliver GOP ultimatum on Marjorie Taylor Greene

Last week, Greene was officially inducted into the Home Education and Labor Committee and the Home Budget Committee.

Republicans, meanwhile, have been slow to act, and McCarthy said he only plans to have a “conversation” with Greene about the growing controversy this week. And Greene showed no doubt for her actions this past weekend and tweeted over the weekend that she ‘will never apologize’.

The exact path Democrats would take to remove Greene from those committees has not yet been determined, but party leaders have several options.

Hoyer’s spokesman did not immediately respond to comment.

The top Democrats on Sunday during a leadership call discussed a straight motion that goes through the House Rules Committee. It would stand apart from a resolution passed by rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.) Was led, who will also remove the Republican from Georgia from any parliamentary lock of the House.

“We are committed to making the toxic nature of this member powerless,” Wasserman Schultz told reporters on Monday just before introducing her measure. “The House must be able to take action to police its own membership.”

A growing number of House Democrats say they are determined to punish Greene for her rhetoric and have introduced a number of measures to do so. It includes two of the most severe sanctions that can be taken against a member of Congress: a formal miscarriage of justice and expulsion from the House.

Democrats do not rule out further action and say the move this week could be a first step.

The attempt to force McCarthy’s hand creates another mystery for the California Republican, who is under increasing pressure from Democrats and some GOP-affiliated groups to act against Greene, yet is reluctant to take the Trump wing of to alienate the party. The GOP leader, who was desperate to keep his ranks united, even moved to Mar-a-Lago last week to make amends with the former president.

And over the weekend, Greene also claimed that she spoke to Trump in the midst of the firestorm and had her full support. This could make it even harder for IDP leaders to punish Greene. In addition, Greene is being scrutinized for comments she made before her time in Congress, making the issue of sanctions more difficult for her.

However, McCarthy’s allies insisted he had not decided how to proceed. Whether he decides to discipline Greene will depend on how their sit-down conversation progresses later this week.

McCarthy had a similar face-to-face meeting with former Representative Steve King (R-Iowa) in 2019 after questioning in an interview with The New York Times why the term white nationalism was so offensive. The Iowa Republican showed little remorse during their interaction, and shortly thereafter, McCarthy King lured him out of his committees – a move the Republican in California would like to mention when he presses on his willingness to hold his own members accountable.

Many Democrats say publicly and privately that they do not expect McCarthy to take action, and that they have prepared their own options. Meanwhile, Greene has remained challenging in public, though she has scrubbed some of her previous social media posts.

“If we wait for Kevin McCarthy to have a moral compass, it will never happen,” the rep said. Jahana Hayes (D-Conn.), Who represents the site of the Sandy Hook shooting, told reporters on Monday when she demanded that the House act to strip Greene of all committee positions.

Hayes said Greene ‘forfeited her right’ to participate in a House panel, especially the Education Committee. “Her rise in the party is dangerous.”
