Dems in House Committee approve $ 15 min wage in stimulus package, despite CBO warning of 1.4 million jobs

Democrats in the House Committee on Education and Labor approved a $ 15 federal minimum wage proposal in the early hours of Wednesday morning, which was included in President Biden’s coronavirus assistance package.

“It’s a cover, $ 15 # MinimumWage passes the [Education and Labor] committee after more than 13 hours of debate, ‘writes committee member Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn Twitter Wednesday around 4:30 p.m.

Raising the federal minimum wage by $ 7.25 to $ 15 per hour by 2025 would reduce jobs by 1.4 million, but would lift about 900,000 Americans out of poverty, according to a study released by the Congressional Budget Office on Monday is.

DEMOCRACIES ‘minimum wage hike of $ 15 will reduce the service by 1.4 million jobs, says CBO

House Republicans on Wednesday expressed their displeasure over the actions of the committee.

“Once again, Democrats are ignoring vulnerable, hard-working Americans and choosing instead to favor the special interests of the left wing and those who support their radical agenda,” said rank Rep. Virginia Foxx, RN.C., said in a statement. “Forcing children to miss out on high-quality, personalized training while choosing the schools that receive relief and destroy a national minimum wage increase of $ 15 that destroys jobs is hardly ‘brave relief’.”

Foxx also blasted the committee’s Democrats for approving Republicans’ ‘commonsense’ amendments, including an amendment to block funding for higher education institutions linked to the Chinese government.

“At 3 p.m., House Democrats voted against my amendment, which would ban funds from higher education institutions working with the Chinese Communist Party,” Rep. Elise Stefanik, RN.Y., over Twitter on Wednesday.

The House of Representatives on Friday passed an updated Senate budget resolution paving the way for Democrats to push through Biden’s $ 1.9 billion coronavirus aid package without GOP support.

Striking McDonald's workers claiming a minimum wage of $ 15 in Las Vegas, Nev., June 14, 2019. (REUTERS / Mike Segar)

Striking McDonald’s workers claiming a minimum wage of $ 15 in Las Vegas, Nev., June 14, 2019. (REUTERS / Mike Segar)

The vote was 219-209 to adopt the budget framework approved by the Senate early Friday morning thanks to a casting vote by Vice President Kamala Harris. All Republicans in the House voted “no,” plus one Democratic president, Jared Golden of Maine.


The measure unlocked the process for lawmakers to draft a final coronavirus relief bill under the budget reconciliation rules that allow Democrats to avoid a GOP filibuster and pass the key stimulus legislation on their own as long as their caucus remains united. .

FOX Business ‘Megan Henney and Fox News’ Marisa Schultz contributed to this report.
