Democrats rechazan report of check checks in aid package | Univision Politica News

The Democratic proposal includes and states allowances of up to $ 75,000 in annual installments and parishes that raise $ 150,000 per annum, giving an anterior plan that is being considered to drastically reduce benefits.

The Democrats of the explored Congress reduced this benefit to $ 50,000 for individuals and $ 100,000 for couples, indicating The Washington Post.

This eligibility for the paycheck appears to be a new signal that the Democrats plan to advance on the aid package without the Republican support. The package also benefits beneficiaries by example and gives funds for mayor distribution of vacancies

Democrat members of the Board of Appeals and Arbitrators of the Chamber of Representatives will expand the tax credits for families with their families, for minor persons and for those who have secured medical credentials at the 2010 Law of Protection.

The panel, which plans to approve the meditation on the end of the week, will also offer health subsidies for some examples.

The pandemic has claimed more than 460,000 people in the United States while the economy has lost 10 million jobs since the start of the crisis last year.

The proposal of the Board of Appeal and Arbitrators of the Chamber of Representatives, which will reject the meeting of the Biden plan, is currently being discussed in the Democratic caucuses in the Congress esperan apresurar la aprobacion para que la medida sea promulgada por el mandatario a mediados de marzo, when expiring the current subsidies by supplementary example.

This paper reflects the mandate of the Democrats and the Democratic legislators to demonstrate that they can respond swiftly and with a decision on the crisis, incluso si deben hacer las approbations sin apoyo republicano.

“If we hope that the Republicans are one of us to make the right thing for the people, the urgency of the moment requires that we act with the utmost respect,” said the commission’s president, Democrat Richard Neal.

The representative Kevin Brady, the republic of the mayor, rango and el panel, critic and a loose democrat for the adelante with the medida “Without a bipartisan compromise.” Dijo that the Republican Party wants to focus on the distribution of the vacancy and more specific help for workers, families and small businesses, practically by one of the candidates who hopes to propose during the general meetings of the commission count with democratic support.

The Democrats in the Education and Work Commission of the Cámara Baja also adhere to some of their plans on the moon. Its $ 350,000 million package includes $ 130,000 to help ensure school safety, $ 40,000 for universities affected by the pandemic and a plan to gradually increase the federal minimum wage to $ 15 per hour, details the AP agency.

Increased minimum wage increases a panoramic view, including Biden has agreed that it is difficult to prospect.

