Democrats’ Covid riddle: work with GOP or run it over

“People can talk to whomever they want to talk to, but this country is facing enormous crises,” said Senator Bernie Sanders (IV), chairman of the Budget Committee. “Elections have consequences. We are in the majority and we must act. ”

Across the Capitol, House Democrats are looking at two-pronged approaches on how to tackle the next coronavirus relief package – Biden’s first major legislative priority, and one that will be a harbinger of others. The bill would already be a severe lift and comes just weeks after Congress passed a nearly $ 1 trillion aid package. Now it is also the first visible rift between the Democrats’ more moderate and left-wing wings of his party, which is under intense pressure to deliver.

Some centrist Democrats, such as Manchin, insist that Biden’s package should be two-pronged – like every other coronavirus bill to date – and say the government should get away with the initial $ 1.9 billion proposal. But many others are unwilling to wait, with the much-needed money for the distribution of vaccines on the line, as well as a slew of other priorities that have remained outside the last deal. In particular, Republicans oppose Biden’s proposal to increase the minimum wage to $ 15, and conservatives have a dislike of spending on state and local governments.

‘If they thought it was impossible, I would not think they would waste their time. Their first mission is to find a two-legged way forward, ” said Josh Gottheimer (DN.J.) of the Biden team, working on a two-pronged approach..

But another group of Democrats – doubtful about the two-way talks and eager to provide more relief – say the only way forward is to muscle Biden’s package on their own, using the bad budget tool known as reconciliation, to the bill by blocking Congress without GOP votes.

The Democratic leaders of the Senate meanwhile point out a middle ground: give Republicans some time, but run them over if they delay too long. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Tuesday he prefers to have the GOP on board but will move without them if they have to.

“I hope that does not lead to it,” Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) Said. But he indicated that his party was investigating how far reconciliation could go, such as including an increase in the minimum wage. “In the past, Republicans have changed some of the rules regarding reconciliation to comply with their legislative efforts.”

But going to a party vote would ‘send out exactly the wrong message’, Senator Todd Young (Indian) said. He is in the dual group of 16 senators who spoke to Biden’s top officials on Sunday. “We need to be united and reach some consensus.”

In addition, Democrats control only 50 seats in the Senate and 221 seats. This means that passing a bill on a party line will require almost a closure period, which is not easy: just ask the Republicans who failed in 2017 to repeal Obamacare.

And for the time being, the Democrats have ruled out destroying the filibuster, reducing their options for reconciliation or recruiting 10 Republicans from the Senate for coronavirus relief. Several centric GOP senators pushed back the Biden government’s plan over the weekend.

Even if they decide to put forward the idea of ​​a dual bill, the Democrats are still not even sure how big a biased effort should be. Sanders and others have argued that Democrats could force through the budget procedure enormous policy changes such as a minimum wage of $ 15 – a long-term progressive priority – even if it required the Senate’s virtually unprecedented rules and might empower the IDP to take similar stairs along the line.

Each provision in a conciliation package must comply with the so-called Byrd rule, which means that it must have a significant effect on federal revenue, spending or debt. Ultimately, the Senate MP must decide who qualifies – although some Democrats want to suppress the parliamentarian if the minimum wage increase is rejected.

House budget chairman John Yarmuth (D-Ky.) – who is skeptical about the minimum wage approved by the Byrd rule – said it would be the “ultimate power movement” if Democrats tried to force it through.

“I do not know if this is the smartest thing to do,” Yarmuth said. “You do have to worry about precedent.”

There is also a discussion about introducing a ‘compensation’ for a minimum wage increase, such as levying taxes on businesses that refuse to participate, Yarmuth acknowledged.

Sanders argued that the Senate could pass a minimum wage increase with reconciliation ‘absolutely’: ‘We will state the matter … that when you increase the minimum wage people will be less dependent on public assistance and it will cost the federal government significant amounts will save money. This is the main argument. ”

For now, the Democrats say they are moving on parallel tracks. The House can vote as early as next week to widen the first step toward a democratic bill by approving a budget resolution containing instructions to unlock reconciliation, as dual talks continue in both chambers. Legislators will submit this budget bill on Monday.

Democrats say they have no choice but to proceed with reconciliation now, as it will likely take several weeks if the Democrats decide to institute the privileged procedure.

“If we’re going to use reconciliation, we need to move on fairly soon, but that does not prevent a package of negotiations,” Yarmuth said. “At worst it’s Plan A and at best Plan B.”

Durbin said the Senate Democrats have not made a final decision on when they want to move forward with a budget resolution. It offers a vote-a-rama vote and unlimited amendment votes, and Biden has yet to have his cabinet confirmed before the indictment, which begins the week of February 8th.

In initial talks with the Biden government, Republicans and Democrats in the group left little answer as to exactly what cash was left of the $ 900 billion December bill and what was needed. A price tag for a potential compromise package has not yet been discussed. And given that the latest coronavirus bill took about seven months to clinch, Democrats warn that this process cannot undergo the same delay.

And it is clear that there is a lot of pent-up desire in the party to set their priorities after ten years without total control over Washington.

“I do not believe it is time for half measures,” said Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (DN.Y.). ‘I will absolutely support it through reconciliation. The sooner the better, my state suffers and we need city and state money. ”
