RIO GRANDE VALLEY, Texas – He introduces people to his party.
The Democratic mayor of a southern border town says he is outraged at the handling of the immigration crisis in his backyard by the Biden government – and he ‘pleads’ with Washington to do more to stop the flow of migrants flowing into his town, to stop.
‘You have an intrusion on national security levels that has never been seen before in modern history, and you do not even look at it, you do not even call it a’ crisis’, you call it a quote unlisted challenge, “Mayor Bruno Lozano, a Democrat representing Del Rio, Texas, told The Post on Sunday.
“It’s a slap in the face.”
The 38-year-old Lozano represents the small neighborhood of just over 35,000 residents and has been trying to get Biden’s attention ever since.
Just before a historic winter storm left millions of people without power and killed 57, he sent the president a video asking him not to send migrants to the community because he did not have the necessary resources.
“Mr. President, my name is Bruno Lozano, Mayor of the City of Del Rio, Texas, and I plead and urge you to please discontinue all measures regarding the release of immigrants awaiting trial in the City of Del Rio. and surrounding areas, ‘says Lozano as footage of empty store shelves and grocery stores play in the background.
“We do not have the resources available to accommodate and accommodate these migrants within our community … If you do send these individuals to our community, we will be forced to make a decision to leave them without resources under this “I’m asking to please stop, please make another plan for this federal issue.”
Despite best efforts, Lozano said the request ‘fell on deaf ears’ and more than a month later the only thing that has changed is the number of migrants flocking to his small community, which is currently around 150 per day .
“I’m not trying to demonize the humanitarian aspect, but my responsibility is to the city of Del Rio and the residents of Del Rio, Texas, my responsibility is to the American people who elected me,” Lozano explained.
“Nobody wants to actually take up the case, you condone illegal behavior, period. There is a legal way to enter the United States, there is a legal way to seek asylum and it just undermines the whole immigration process.”
The scrappy leader, the youngest mayor ever elected in the city, is furious that he has to use local budget money for an issue he calls a federal problem that has been dumped around small communities along the border.
“It’s not even in our budget. Every line item is taken into account in the municipal government, we are very finely tuned to the budget. It is not appropriate,” Lozano said.
‘It just blows my mind how connected to reality [they are] or maybe they know, maybe they just do not want to call a shovel a shovel, you know, because it’s uncomfortable. ‘
During the last boom in 2019, Lozano said migrants were dumped by the U.S. Border Patrol at a 7-11 store, and although an extension has been opened in the city since then, the city is still responsible for the migrants once they are dropped off. is off.
Lozano said migrants are brought to the Val Verde border humanitarian coalition every day, where they have access to services before boarding flights and buses outside the city. But sometimes they can not get tickets and the city has to get a place to sleep.
“That’s when the logistical nightmare starts, where are they going to sleep for the night? That’s the number I worry about every day,” Lozano said, adding that he uses a basketball court as a temporary shelter.
“Sometimes migrants are released after hours and there is simply nowhere to place it. I can not use the civic center because I use it for COVID vaccinations.”
Earlier this month, two different groups of migrants crossed the city’s footbridge from Mexico.
Lozano says the influx is a side effect of Biden’s relaxed immigration policy.
“It’s very selective about who they’re deporting now and let’s really be. The Biden government sent the message that you know ‘we’re going to turn it around, we’re going to do it’ and surely within days, within days, it’s started happens. ‘
“It was completely predictable,” Lozano added – but when he tried to explain to senators what was happening on the ground, he said “they were shocked.”
“You have this policy where illegal access is approved, criminal activity is approved, these migrants use the cartels to cross Mexico, and that is a fact and organized criminal activity is increasing,” Lozano said.
“I call them out, I’m so frustrated as a border guard about it all.”
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