Delaware: Joe Biden’s Perros leaves Casa Blanca to kill a person | People

The first lady of EE UU, Jill Biden, with her dog Dog Champ to the events of Casa Blanca on the 24th of January 2020.
The first lady of EE UU, Jill Biden, with her dog Dog Champ to the events of Casa Blanca on the 24th of January 2020.ADAM SCHULTZ / WITHUUS HANDO / EFE

The regress of the horses to the White House with the Administration of Joe Biden caused great enthusiasm in the finals of January. Donald Trump’s executor has rooted for a tradition of sailing to ten company animals in the presidential residence. Sondeverbod, the two German pastors of the Biden family, Champion y Major, there were temporary transfers to Delaware despite the diminution of the provocation “a living lesson” and a “descent”. The governor of the Gobierno, Jen Psaki, explained this March that the road was closed with anteriority and would be “next” to the 1600 of the Avenue Pennsylvania.

Months before Biden adopted his campaign to Major, of cachorro, in a Delaware animal shelter, where the Democrat has lived from his childhood before becoming president. This is recommended by a veterinarian to animate the life of Champion, has been 13 years and his physical condition is deteriorating. In an interview with Kelly Clarkson in February, the first lady Jill Biden stated that she was dedicated to her time acclimatizing to animals in her new habitat, the White House. “Tienen que tomar el ascensor, no están acostumbrados a eso, y tienen que salir al jardín sur con mucha gente mirándolos. If I am obsessed with logging in, everything will be comfortable and quiet, ”said the professor.

The incident with Major The first CNN account, however, quotes official sources as saying the train had been killed by a Casa Blanca security guard. Psaki has made sure in a press release that the toadavia animals are accommodated at the entrance and the new cars, and that they are warm Major fue “surprised by a person who falls and reacts in a way that results in a minor injury to the individual”. The medical unit of the Casa Blanca attended the individual’s lesion, not identified by the portevoz. Psaki agrees that it is believed that the trains traveling to Delaware, including the two friends of the Biden family, are the first lady to visit military bases in the Costa Rica. “It has a three-day route this week and the roads will be located next to the White House”, said the press secretary, specifying the return date.

Antes de llegar a la Casa Blanca, Major had notice in November, when producing a game with his lover, the Democrat agreed with a lesion in the path that obliged him to use an orthopedic bot. The first lady also took into account in her interview with Clarkson that the horses were forbidden to move to the furniture, even the traffic Major hizo uso of one of the sofas of the presidential residence. “Corren por todas partes”, aggregate. According to anonymous sources quoted by CNN, in view of the animals it has seen on various occasions adopt agitated behavior, including salts, ladders and “embassies” against the staff and security members.

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