“Dejan a músicos sin trabajo pero siguen los burocratas”, se lamenta Silvio Rodríguez

Silvio Rodríguez, one of the most international scouts of the Revolution, has since changed his blog Segunda Cita in a place from which he intensifies debates from his critical comments against Gobierno’s decisions.

On the verge of defending the regime, the troubadour did not hesitate to take action against the authorities on occasional occasions, such as the withdrawal of the credentials of the Uruguayan periodical Fernando Ravsberg, the repression of the LGBTI march in 2019 in La Habana o, inclusive, the inclusion of Radio Progreso in a black list.

Since he started the year, the diary online of music hierve with intensity against the Tarea Ordenamiento, and mueve economic debates in which its followers do not stop at the time of denouncing the errors or negligences of the authorities. Rodríguez has published three texts in which he has been criticizing the form in which he has taken the decisions of the governing dome and in which he has, very clearly, given his impulse to the private company.

“Someone in our ‘highs’ has a lot of money that the prosperous people, haggling for money, gets into a fight with proper opinions and gets in the way of the distribution of established powders”

“Some in our ‘highs’ have a lot of money that the prosperous people, make money, get together in a force with proper opinions and get on the partition of established powders”, will keep the music property. “The Mayor of Economists is the one who, in parallel to the last of the Middle Ages, has to authorize the banks and fortify zones of the private sector (and he always says that there are difficult things to do, but he can do a lot), que nadie toque nada, yo solo puedo tocar ‘parecen repudiar eso.’ Miedo a perder el manojo ‘, dicen algunos “.

This is a sample of 240 more comments on the medium. Post in reproducing an article by Giordan Rodríguez Milanés, the writer and periodist, in the Orbit of Officialism, entitled the Cuba (Uneac) Union of Writers and Artists, titled The inclusive drama of X and the Cuban State. In the text of the statement of many artists who pass to be workers for the purpose of taking part in the ordinance, those who have done some right that ten state workers have only passed their life to the State to represent them.

Finders’ follow-up statements and the approval of the protest against the Gobierno police’s indictment are considered to be unreasonable, except for the proposal by Silvio Rodríguez, who did not have the slightest hesitation in saying: “Dejan a músicos sin traoso pero”.

Although there are a variety of people who read aloud or are concerned about the fact that the workers are peors, the author of the text speaks to follow his opinions and replicates that in Cuba he teaches the people that the State and its leaders think and decide For the sake of subsidies, acostumbrándolo a vivir sin tener in account of the costs of their gratuities.

The debate is also open to monopolies, with interventions in which it is stated that competence increases the quality of the offer. “The only way to increase the quality of the pan is that the people buy another pan for more than 1 peso. seguidor del cantautor.

Another signal: “By 2020, the State will finance the inefficiency of the state-owned enterprise. As of 2021, the State will decide not to do more and to discontinue its appeals directly to the public through the increment of its enterprises. Per the state-owned enterprise, with its monopolistic cases in the mayor’s part of the activities, has opted to look for a new form of financing of his inefficiency (and yes! because the inefficiency masks cases always corruption at different levels) through unspeakable amounts of discrimination.

“What did I buy? (…) Where did I buy it? Is it customary to do so if you are married, and if you want to have nothing to sell. Do you form part of the Order? Will you be cohabiting or permanent? “

“While the productive forces will not be released in order to allow the creation of small and median companies and the prices will be controlled if they differ in the means of competence, will not disappear the economic inefficiency, will not increase productivity, will not generate more .

The elevation of the prices or the quality is not the only thing that is manifested in the infinity of comments from the blog of the regent paladin of the regime. The austerity of products has also entered into the debate: “What did I buy? (…) Do I buy it? It is customary to say that everything has been sold, and that it will be established now that nothing will sell. is it part of the Order? Will it be coyuntal or permanent? “

The author of the initial text is inexplicable in his opinions contradicting the authorities in the comments on his article, in which he interacts to replicate to those who defended the form in which the Governor has deferred the Order. Después de una larga parrafada de indignados advertising, finalizing his message with these phrases: “Mejor lo dejo aquí y no sigo. Que ya estoy otra vez sin bala para internet. Adelante, distinctidos companaños y compañeras: sigan acabando con el país”.

During this message, Rodríguez wanted to liven up the debate with a new one. Post, published the domingo. In this case, the article is by sociologist Ricardo J. Machado and is titled Target planning versus reality? Here, the author discovers the early mistakes in the implementation of the process, due to the difficulties he trained, and instead of Gobierno to listen very carefully to the demands of the public to rectify the march. But there is no profile to the time to alert the grave repercussions if the man to the private little ones is opened.

“I have the maneuvers to carry out the bureaucracy and I will not allow a governing body to run parallel to the suyas.

According to Machado, the Gobierno should put in place a reform that will give impetus to flexibility, flexibility in cooperative management and “the year-old autonomy of state-owned enterprises that the bureaucracy intends to sabotage.” And continues: “Murillo affirma that the number of state-owned companies that could cover is 450. According to my experience, the series is double, this is related to mil. The lack of general preparation and mental health of many of our companies, as a result In the case of 60 years of authoritarian vertical structure, it is very difficult to rise to the occasion “.

Además, el autor hace una seria advertencia al finale del texto: “Hay que atarle las manos a la burocracia y no permiti en un goberno parallelo haga de las suyas. El 8º Congreso del PCC tendrá la palabra. Podría ser la ultima”.

Rodríguez, my prologue in his comments to this Post, has approved the publication to transmit the text message of a jubilee that can not assume the guest of electricity and demand to Gobierno that case. Además, has not yet taken the opportunity to respond to the text discreetly but clearly: “I do not understand how this problem came about, as part of the phrase mil’s repeated ‘think like country’, which I would like to elevate to another category ‘think like a nation or a father’ “.


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