According to the National Deer Association, a one-year-old white-tailed goat was recently found surrounding a suburb of Tennessee with hair covering both of its eyeballs. The bizarre condition is a rare example of corneal dermoid, which occurs when tissue of a specific type grows in the wrong place in the body.
Residents spotted the deer for the first time in Farragut, a suburb of Knoxville, in August 2020 and notified local wildlife authorities immediately. Because the goat is bleeding, disoriented, and apparently does not fear humans, animal control officers suspected it could be infected with chronic wasting (CWD), and so they decided to kill the deer to prevent the spread of this fatal prion. disease.
Sterling Daniels of the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) sends the animal’s head for testing at the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study Unit (SCWDS) at the University of Georgia and notes that both eyes are covered with hair.
It appears that the deer did not have CWD, but rather suffered from epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD), which can cause fever and disorientation. This would explain the animal’s strange behavior, but not the hairy eyeballs.

In a formal report, representatives of the SCWDS, Dr Nicole Nemeth and Michelle Willis, write that the deer have skin skins in place of its cornea, which is the transparent part of the eye that covers the iris and pupil.
“Corneal dermoid, as in the case of these deer, often contains elements of normal skin, including hair follicles, sweat glands, collagen and fat. The masses are generally benign (non-invasive) and are congenital, probably due to an embryonic developmental defect, ‘they wrote.
Nemeth said: “we assume it was congenital (already existed at birth), and we suspected that it survived a long time with those.”
“We also assumed that the dermoids developed gradually and that over time the deer was able to adapt to its declining field of vision.”
This means that the deer probably developed the foreign condition in the uterus, where the corneal tissue did not form properly and rather differentiated into skin tissue. In addition to being covered in a hairy skin, the goat’s eyes were also anatomically normal.
It was only the second time a deer with corneal dermoid had been seen, with the first being killed in 2007 by a hunter in Louisiana.