Dedicated mural by Albert Rodríguez en escuela and Arecibo

The legacy of comedian and director Albert Rodríguez was honored by a wall in the National Talent Academy, in Arecibo.

A group of plastic artists composed by Gary Javier, Norberto Ruiz Nieves, Noy Nieves and volunteers from Ciudad Museo, in Añasco, will be working on the work that covers one of the walls of the school plant in which it is designed as general manager, who will display an image of the failed actor’s roster, with the Puerto Rico flag.

The artist, who died on Monday at the age of 58, was sentenced by a decade to trace the decades of students with difficulties in his academic career, which found a support in the academy that cofunded with animator Deddie Romero and the actor .

A banner with the phrase “We will always record” we also saw colocada in another of the plant editions.

Deddie Romero’s radial locomotive compartment for writing has one that says, “Albert is the important piece of this project that together with a team of masters and masters, it seems that the girls are not motivated”. También also revealed the artist’s angel to see the Puerto Rican banner adorning one of the parades.

“The team, students and collaborators of NTA want to complete what they want, see the flag of our island, to what they love and defend, convert to part of our institution in Arecibo”, Romero expresses.

The play was performed by an actor in the Theater Braulio Castillo, in Bayamón, and in a public velatorio at the Jalvin Funeral Home, in Añasco. Today is the series, which takes place in private form.
