declaran skuldig ‘n Chauvin de todos los cargos

(CNN) –– All charges are based on the verdict of the judge in the trial against Derek Chauvin on the death of George Floyd.

The verdict went to Chauvin, guilty of accidental homicide, intentional homicide with regard to life and intentional homicide in the commission of serious crime.

This is the ambiance of the George Floyd Wall 1:43

The members of the jury will deliberate for 4 hours this Monday and will resume the deliberation this month at 8 am, local time. The tribunal did not specify in the opinion of the members of the jury to deliberate.

Chauvin, 45, was charged with felony criminal mischief for firing on a sculpture with a shotgun, according to Chapvin, as he pleaded guilty to two counts of felony criminal mischief. The cargo must be considered separately. For that Chauvin could be bound by all, some or none of them.

Juicio by George Floyd entra en la recta finale

George Floyd’s call, Philonise Floyd’s reaction to the news that she had a verdict and said to Sara Sidner, of CNN, that she had not been informed of the respect, was that she called it. “For United States, this is a historic case. For the family, it’s deeply personal, “said Floyd’n CNN.

“It is clear that the police have been accused of being involved,” he said. And signal that will be in the court when the verdict.

The arguments in Floyd’s case

The jury had to deliberate, after the final argument of the Fiscalía and the defense of this moon. To conclude his case, a fiscal day that Chauvin is arrogant about the water and Floyd’s cleft lasts 9 minutes and 29 seconds debits his organ and his ego in front of the preoccupied testimonies.

Revelan new video about the death of George Floyd 2:24

“He does not have to say that he transcends the dijeran what he has to do. Iba hacer lo que el quisiera, como quisiera, durante timme que quisiera. And there is no such thing as anything that can be done to respect the tenor of authority. “It’s the power, and the other police, the transitions in the ten ‘,” fiscal Steve Schleicher said. “He intended to win, and George Floyd paid with his life.”

Chauvin’s comments about Chauvin’s organ and ego are the first time that taxpayers have specifically discussed the mentality of the police force at the moment when Floyd passed away on May 25, 2020. Elements that are key to the intentions of intentional homicide are premeditated involuntary in an act eminently painful to others who are the imputant.

Sees final of the trial against Chauvin in case Floyd 3:24

In response, defense attorney Eric Nelson said Chauvin acted like he had a “sensed agent” in that situation. We also add that we do not intend that Chauvin will intentionally use a vehicle that is illegal.

“I’ve been on the verge of becoming a redelik police agent. “I have to admit that the agents are human beings, capable of making mistakes in situations of great tension,” Nelson said. “In this case, the totality of the cases that a reasonable police agent is engaged in at the exact moment in which the force is demonstrated that was treated by an authorized user of the force, by very attractive to them. Esto es duda razonable », aandring.

The Revelation of the New Death Video by George Floyd 2:48

Fiscal Jerry Blackwell dismissed the defense statement that Floyd had committed a conspiracy condition such as a corrupted coronation or dilated myocardiopathy.

“The reason for George Floyd’s mourning is because of Chauvin’s coronation he was demeaned”

After that, the judge Peter Cahill instructed the members of the jury about the antitheses and after the final arguments. Finally, the fair will take place in the hall just after 5:00 pm, Miami time, so that the emperor can deliberate on the verdict that will be produced this March.

The case of George Floyd

During the juicio, the tax laws will be declared to 38 testigos. Among them, experts in the use of force by the police who criticize Chauvin and medical experts who explain Floyd’s grief. The defensive line has its own testimonies, but not to the chauvin prophecy, since it has agreed to the right of the Quinte Enmienda to declare.

The verdict ends 11 months after Floyd’s death, in a Minneapolis district, generalized protests against the black police’s policy.

Regardless of the verdict of this judgment, the most important issue is not to signify attenuation. Last week, just a few miles from the court, a Brooklyn Center police officer accused of involuntary manslaughter while killing Daunte Wright, 20 years old, during a traffic stop.

Tension is high throughout the region, and authorities have tightened security in the Minneapolis area. The Hennepin County Governor’s Center has been clearing of embankments and barricades since the judicial selection began in March. Last week, the teams installed a number of booths around some police edits. He was also represented by the National Guard in some parts of downtown Minneapolis.

Governor Tim Walz solicited additional help to the Ohio and Nebraska Order of Fortune before the verdict, following a press release from his office this Monday.

With information from Eric Levenson and Aaron Cooper.
