Decimals are the most common zodiac sign among the multimillionaires

Decimals are the most common zodiac sign among the multimillionaires

Analyze the sign of 250 multimillionaires to find the most common among them.

Photo: Alexas Fotos / Pixabay

If there are those who believe in the zodiac, quizzes will convince you that you will have an influence on your economic life, and that there is one that has the Mayor of the richest people in the world.

To analyze the birth rate of each of the 250 multimillionaire principals featured in the 2019 Forbes Review list, the Mayor of them was named Libra.

Some of the most notable millionaires are Ralph Lauren, Stefan Persson, Liliane Bettencourt and Alice Walton.

En the list of 250 millionaires, 27 eran Weegskaal. Signed Piscis le siguieron de circa, with 22 multimillionaires, including Bernard Arnault, Rupert Murdoch and Michael Dell.

In search of place, there are signs of Cancer, Tauro and Leo, the two have 20 multimillionaires each. Among them are Richard Branson (Cancer), Elon Musk (Cancer), Mark Zuckerberg (Tauro), David Koch (Tauro), Larry Ellison (Leo) and Sergey Brin (Leo).

Gemini and Aries are the signers that have 15 multimillionaires each, including Jim Walton (Gemini), Steve Ballmer (Aries) and Mukesh Ambani (Aries), according to Business Insider.

Después stán Acuario y Virgo como los signos con más ricos con 12 y 11 multimillonarios respectively, including Michael Bloomberg (Acuario), Paul Allen (Acuario), Warren Buffet (Virgo) and Jack Ma (Virgo).

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