Deception? Camilo launches new sencillo and reacts with memes

The song Camilo comendeza este año 2021 invitande a su public to calentar gargantas con su nuevo tema y video titledo “Ropa cara“, Without embarrassment, he left many bad comments about her, and he included his memes.

As a good storyteller related to the honesty that characterizes it, the Colombian shares a song based on his own experience, takes years to come, but he seems to have the likes of many people or his admirers.

So much so that the new theme of Evaluna’s episode was also written by a superstitious person who copied the elements of a German song.

Because of his romantic relationship with Evaluna, through his songs or some interviews, Camilo tends to see that he has some new ones and on this occasion the Colombian launched his “Ropa Cara” theme, and in addition to the entertaining memes, some will note that has similarities with a single of a German group called Trash Boys.

As soon as he sued for his launch of “Vida de Rico”, he had a peek-a-boo theme, some fanatical interpreters of “Tú Tú” hiccuped me about the artist’s tendency of 26 years of edating to romanticize poverty.

When songs are sung about the Colombian song about a life without words, do not ask your powder followers to create memes about the difference between their life in the melodies and their real life.

Without embarrassment, there is no difference in size, size and variety, and there are many people who would also like to say that Camilo copy the idea of ​​the song to Trash Boys, a German group.

It is as if it had generated the sensation of the Colombian singer who had logged more than 3 million and a mediocre reproduction on the YouTube platform, also some will note the similarity of the choir with a theme of Trash Boys.

Hecho the most funny is that the German song is called “Gucci Prada Balenciaga”, different brands that Camilo uses in the choir, both artists sing about the same, only that the Colombian in different order, “Balenciaga, Gucci, Prada”.

In addition to noting the great similarity between the rhythm and the phrases of choral works, some also suspect that the inspiration of Camilo is the legacy of European country, and that we note the similarity between the typography of musical videos.

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Without embarrassment, cabe mentions that at the moment, the Latin singer does not have any comments on the respect, and it is most likely that he does not like, then giving to the bad comments, is one of the most sung songs from the day before .

And yes, its sequels are anticipated in the teaser, the full musical video will be shown and there will be many matches with the new musical theme.

For another lad, this new tune was composed and produced by the same and Edgar Barrera, in addition to “Ropa cara” showcasing the musical influences he accompanied Camilo a lo largo de su vida, including his son cubano, que tal como lo cuenta, sonaba en su casa desde que era un niño y razon por la cual ha querido render homenaje en esta canción.

Cabe mentions that “Ropa cara” is the third thread from Camilo’s second studio album, which was accompanied by a video, directed by Evaluna Montaner and Santiago.

The Argentine model and actress Macarena Achaga accompanied Camilo in the video that was shot in Bogotá, Colombia in December of last year.

The Colombian singer and songwriter of 26 years of age, Camilo, possesses a very artistic career and the same has done to announce that after his hit “Tu tu”, his professional career began to ascend and be catapulted to the international family.

You may be interested: Graba Camilo a Evaluna bañándose y causa controversia
