Decades of people in need to pay their respects to the police Luis Marrero Díaz, one of the agents assisting in Carolina

Acadieron’s dozens of people have been detained by the Funeral Home Díaz, in Toa Alta, to offer their respects to agent Luis Marrero Díaz, one of the last three police officers to shoot the moon for an individual in Carolina.

The official velatorio, which is 43 years old, starts at 13:00 and extends until 17:00 with the safety data required by the pandemic. COVID-19.

An engine of the Police with a black response was given to the well where the permanent body would be located, fours.

Among the assistants figure familiar, friends and companions of the Police, women are cheering words for their colleague while the file to enter the installations.

The body of Marrero Díaz descended with the uniform of the Police of Puerto Rico, body that had been intercepted for the past 19 years. Likewise, a guard of honor of the Uniform burns his respect in the capillary A of the funeral home. “Returning to home”, see le in the color gray gray covered by the United States flag.

His mother, María Luisa Díaz, went to bed late at the funeral and was taken to the yard around two hours. Luego, at 3:00 pm, salió a las afueras del lugar to receive a caravan motive by a group of first responders to emergencies. The sirenas and the Christian music by one of the altoparlants will be sung by the speakers.

“Thank you very much for your comments”, exclaims the mother-in-law’s mother of relatives and agents of the Police, while she was surprised by the response she received from her family. “I have a good husband, a good husband, a good father, a good friend, a good police officer, a good public servant”, added

For his part, Miguel Díaz, the agent’s agent, dismissed his brother’s legacy, a stranger who describes himself as a “friendly and serviceable” person.

“We want to record allegre, good and true. I have so many things to say that I do not want to talk about them. Fue un buen padre, hijo y vecino ”, dijo a El Nuevo Día. “He does not have a son or a wife for him”.

Asimismo, increase the response of the citizen from the care of the people who are concerned about the country.

“It does not occur to me that my sovereign tantrum tantas amistades and that the people have been brought together well with us, including the press”, express.

Pedro Pierluisi and Alejandro García Padilla respect theirs

Hasta la funeraria llegó el gobernador Pedro Pierluisi, which the moon declared three days of duel for the death of the agents. The first executive shows solidarity with the family and congratulates the Uniformed on clarifying the caregiver.

“I vengo to show solidarity with the family and give me personal pain, I can do it”, aseguró.

Pierluisi indicates that it is imperative to fight crime, because ensure that the Uniform meets with the recourse to guarantee security in the island.

“It’s important that the team and the technology needed to do their job … what we want is the crime rate,” he said, recording “for different reasons” the 2020 term as the year with our most recent assessments .

Most embarrassingly, ex-governor Alejandro García Padilla also read the last goodbye to the agent during his incumbent work in La Fortaleza.

“I’m very sad about the loss of Agent Marrero, who was a Fortaleza work partner. Estuo in Special Services alli and the known, shared with him various times. “Always the loss of a public order agent is sad, but it’s a shame that a concoction and with which compartment and work we will do more than that,” he said.

The former executive will approve the opportunity to make a claim in favor of the redemption of drugs, with the help that in its juiciness it will reduce criminal activity in the country.

“We want to return to the discussions that provoke us to be successful. It is true that if you meet the working conditions of the Police, then you also have to wait for the basic males. While we are doing the same things, we tend to the same results. “He has been discriminating against the drug as he has these problems with exceptions,” he said.

The Marrero Díaz sepelio will be open at 12:30 pm, but beforehand there will be a post office official at the funeral home.

The uniform confirmed that Marrero Díaz and the agents of the Carolina Municipal Police, Luis Salamán Conde and Eliezer Hernández Cartagena, had failed to identify a man like David E. Rivera had beaten them in the middle of a perjury.

The body of the assessee was found during the madrugada of March with various impact balances in Santurce. It is accompanied by a letter that identifies it as the author of the words.

Questioned about the investigation of the Hechos, the Commissioner-designate of the Police, Antonio López, said that even if he had not identified the person in charge of the Hechos, the plague would continue. Assimilation, ensuring that the Uniform is providing economic and emotional assistance to families.

“It is underway at the moment to ensure that the Police have both the state level as well as the federal government and that it has had a complete recovery year, as well as help for the most hospitable, emotional and medical helpers.”, Established in su llegada al velatorio.

López, who was visibly affected during a press conference by the assessee, said he had a sad process.

“Separate from the disposition and that we will not for the time being end the relationship between us, we will follow up with all the relatives and support all that we have with them”, acotó.
