Debemos seguir librando piedras del camino, dice primera aggregada militar en el extranjero

The coronal tenant Guadalupe Alvarado Ortiz search enlisted in the United Nations peacekeeping missions carried out on the blue helmets, but without its proposal being converted into the first military unit adjunct to an exterior representation of Mexico.

She is a military soldier and in addition, thanks to the opening of spaces to personal femenino in the Secretariat of the National Defense (Sedena) llegó al campo diplomatico, para el que debió preparar.

Of the 80 aspirants, women and men, the coronel tenure was selected as the Military Auxiliary Adjacent to the Mexican Embassy in South Africa, to participate in a 2020 competition.

“It is a responsibility because it is the first thing to do in this cargo and has to create an excellent precedent for the future female generations of ours Armored Forces, which they have also been known to serve in Mexico in this type of commission and preparation ”, affirma a EL UNIVERSAL.

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In the market of International Day of Women, Alvarado Ortiz considers that the actual responsibility of the woman is “continuing to free the truck, while those piedrits that may have some women” and that they impede the development in equal conditions.

How will the first aggregate military adjunct take place?

—When I read my document, I was surprised because I was looking for an opportunity to go to the UNU y blue helmets, to repent, when I saw it, thought I had it ONU and as a military aggregate, it was very influential. At one point in my career I was very good, I was the director of the Child Development Center Number 1, fascinated by this design learning things.

What work does it take in the aggregation?

—In general, the work of military aggregators serves as a point of communication, coordination and engagement of the Sedena with them Armored Forces in countries where Mexico has a presence.

It is with the finality of exchanging experiences, logging agreements for the benefit of our country, above all of our institute armed in various areas, as well as education, science and health.

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How do you rate the contribution that women have made to the Mexican Army Forces?

—Create that the most important contribution we make as part of Ejército is what the aperture a personal female areas that are eran exclusively for men allow the mandates to observe, to seek other optics, areas of opportunity and best that repercusses for the benefit of all staff.

An example is that a child development center and there is nothing more to be done to increase the number of women, but also to increase the opportunity for men to be able to live with them. The evolution of society is notorious and has many different types of family, it also has family members alone and is also used for them, believing that it is one of the great contributions.

In the market of the International Day of the Woman, what is the message that sends to the women?

—All the women are debating that the liberties that are currently our women, are one collective effort. Although it has a long history in the air, many women have been exposed to the right of equal opportunities, the equality of treatment and the protection of the various interests that affect our quality and condition of gender.

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Our actual responsibility is to continue unleashing the truck, even though they may be powdered to have some blackheads, but also to be released in order for the next generation to be ready, are also prepared for alzar la voz when needed, to support and defend other women who do not have the conditions or a spinning truck, at the end of the day there are always support between us and follow a good precedent

What are your aspirations as a woman and a soldier?

—Comil military, ascent ascending, because it is our aspiration, in the final accounts all our trayectories are reflected and rewarded with ascents. Creo que he logrado todas mis metas, pero cada vez surgen nuevas y oportunidades, esta es una.

Have you had any thoughts about being a military aggregate because you do not have the opportunity, you can cross your mind. Declare some meta fija … no connection, I am open to the possibilities, here the important thing is to be prepared and now that you enter the opportunity and if you want to be, make it better than you can. Ahorita my first objective is to have a good performance in this commission, is a series of the highest priority objectives.

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What message would you send to interested women to belong to Ejército?

—When entering the Ejército, the slogan was “Mexican Ejército, an option in your future”, and the value that there was an option in my future and now I believe that when I entered the Fuerzas Armadas tenens oportunidades de representar de México y to work in a different, creative and close way to our society. This is the main message, it really works all the days and each one of us as soldiers.
