Deathloop inherits quite a few supernatural powers from Dishonored

Arkane’s next FPS game Deathloop looks absolutely rad. Their new murder sandbox looks to meet Dishonored Hitman, and it’s definitely not an accident. This was made sure by developers of Dishonored, but Arkane now says they bring quite a few “supernatural abilities” that you will remember after Deathloop. .

“As much as we wanted to do something very original with this game, we also wanted some fame,” game director Dinga Bakaba said in an interview with IGN. “We decided to bring back quite a few of the strengths we have in the Dishonored series. I think it’s something that will make players feel at home.”

One you’ve probably seen before is Blink, which allows you to teleport a short distance. In just about every Deathloop trailer so far, Colt has used it to appear behind unsuspecting enemies or gain a height advantage by enlarging buildings.

As you can see, your main goal in Deathloop is to kill eight targets, the Visionaries, in one day. If you do not do this in time (or die), the loop will be restored. The challenge is to work out how you can do it on schedule by manipulating your targets and expanding your own abilities.

Arkane explains that Deathloop’s greatest abilities come from rare objects called ‘plates’ that have many of the game’s visionary targets. By tightening the plates, Colt will give their skill. One Visionary has the skill Kinesis with which he can throw people through the air. You can see how Colt does much of the same in yesterday’s new Dishonored trailer above.

Bakaba does not let us know what other capabilities we will see, borrowed from Dishonored or otherwise. For my money, however, it resembles the Domino ability that binds enemies together so that they die simultaneously.

deathloop domino-ability.jpg

Interestingly, Bakaba also mentions that there is one correct answer to break the loop. “To set them up, there is only one solution, so the game is really a giant puzzle that you have to solve and to complete the puzzle,” he says. Even if there is only one right command to kill each target, you can still choose a variety of ways to do the deed by using environmental hazards and your many skills.

I do not know about all of you, but ‘one solution’ sounds like a challenge to me.

Graham says that the new trailer has him fully on board and that I think the same. It looks stylish as heck and yes, I can not get that song out of my head either.

Deathloop begins May 21 on Steam. It will also appear on the PS5.
