¿De qui es culpa que los niños no puedan comprar confituras?

| 04/04/2021 – 10:18 AM (GMT-4)

La joven influencer Cuban known as Yessy World has an aparecer and social reasons to ask the presenter of NTV, Humberto López, the reasons given by the qualses consider that the Cuban nines do not have caramel tenses.

With its entertaining style of visualizing content in the red, marked by sympathetic gestures of reaction and a discourse plagued by irony, Yessy World is armed as it is in a helpless palette to listen to Lopez’s accusations in the space of sight, dedicated to accusing the artist Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara de querer manipulerend a los niños.

Captured with one of his coats of arms by house, the influencer cubana escuchó a López, quien alertet el viernes pasa de provocative action que, segun él, pensaba realizar el artist este domingo 4 April, fecha en la se se celebra el anniversario de Pionerosación de Pioneros José Martí y de la Unión de Jóvenes Communists.

The project of Otero Alcántara, which exclusively revealed the presenter, consists in the creation of an exhibition in his house, seen by the San Isidro Movement, where exhibits will be made to the length of a knife and reproduce the known labels .

According to the presenter, the artist pretends to be counting many of his goals that will be shown to the nuns who assist in the exhibition. The proposal of the plastic action series, according to the official periodical, includes in some cases the idea that the Cuban governor is responsible for the fact that his parents can not buy goals.

Surprise gestures are carried out on the Yessy World rostrum to make the listener listen. “What is the limit of manipulation?”, asks López at the moment of his diatriba against the superstitious intentions of Otero Alcántara. Just when it ends its question, the influencer pauses to pause the presenter.

“Humber… not the cojim conmigo, lamento ser yo portadora de malas noticias, pero ¡tu ste pas de verdad! … Tú, que eres el ser más manipulador, ¿hablando de manipulación? ”, Interrumpió Yessy indignada.

“Who is it that the Cuban nuns can not buy in dollars their jams?”, The question, records the recent petition by Cuban fathers that retire the display cases of the MLC display cases, in the case of impossibilities of comparing them to theirs, or explaining that they are not available on the month in which they are sold.

“Who is wrong with Humber?” the dice Yessy.

‘No sea tan cínico. What do you expect the jams to be like buying in other currencies? How many cubs in Cuba do not pass by the car parks adjacent to the caramelized extras? This is not new. Since I’ve used reason, I saw these scenarios, ”protested the young Cuban.

“¿For what the governor does not give the possibility to the fathers why do they with their work and their effort can compare the jam to their houses? What is the culprit then, of the people, of Otero Alcántara? If Cuba runs a normal country, Otero Alcántara will not be able to do an act here and will run a llamation, ”the influencer said.

“I have to be manipulating people. Here is what appears to have never been a caramel made in your life yet … right now. You’ve got to catch up! Te veo cogiendo más libritas todos los días. Are you going to lower the price of chicken for all the things you say? You are manipulating the Cuban people! ”, Dijo Yessy World antes to despair with a child music theme dedicated to López

“Although I have been cheated, if I have been wronged, I prefer to castigate, but in favor of not engaging me more”, sang a chorus of nieces in the grabion with which López despised the young Cuban influencer.
