DDHH Commission to Respect the Human Rights of Honduran Migrants


The Commission of Human Rights in Honduras, Blanca Izaguirre, lodged these complaints with the corresponding authorities that respect the rights of the caravan of migrants and instead of the countries to create regional coordination mechanisms to identify the persons requiring protection.

In a statement, Izaguirre hizo a lament “a la calma” and exhorto new to the migrants’ roads to “respect the dignity and make effective human rights of the people who live in the American South”.

Los Estados deben guarantee that migration seegewoon, order and ensure to avoid existing crimes that are against the compatriots who are encroaching in the context of migration “, subrayo.

Guatemala’s security forces are dismantled today by a caravan of migrants compiled by more than 6,000 Hondurans who cross the Central American country to advance to Mexico and intend to travel to the United States.

According to Efe, one of the 500 agents of the National Civil Police and soldiers of the Guatemalan Ejército will disclose the details of the migrants’ encounters since the passing of the department of Chiquimula, near the front with Honduras and located 200 kilometers east of the country’s capital.

The Honduras form part of a caravan compliant with more than 9,000 people, according to official calculations, that San Pedro Sula, north of Honduras, between the fairs and the four passages.

Protection mechanism

The defender of human rights in Honduras, in addition to the countries, guarantees that human rights will migrate.

“The States need to have a differentiated approach to the attention of the people inside the caravan, and that within the body they are driving people with protection needs, the wheels can not return to the country”, he said.

Izaguirre urges the States to generate “international and regional coordination mechanisms” to identify migrant cases that require prior protection means in return, and to activate national protection mechanisms for violence.

The countries also deben “velar by the special protection principles and interests of the nino during the family reunification procedures of the nines not accompanied which are returned to the pais”, added.

Respect and read pacific forms

The ombudsman also urged the Honduran and Guatemalan authorities to “ensure a safe return” to the people who decide not to continue the journey and solicit the migrants who “respect the roads” and the “Pacific” route.

Izaguirre reaffirms the compromise of the Honduran organism with the caravan and ensures that the state institution follows “working to record the subregional, regional and universal response” regarding the obligation of the states to “protect and respect the human rights of migrants”.

“It is fundamental to ensure that public policies are constructed to counteract the structural causes that provoke forced migration and to attract the origins of the extraordinary migratory flows from Honduras and the displacement forced through the mouth”, the Commission said. Human Rights.
