DBrand’s Black PS5 side-panels are launched, the company dares Sony to sue

DBrand, best known for its skins and cases for mobile devices, has unveiled its own version of a matte black side plate for the PlayStation 5, which goes so far as to dare Sony to charge it. Unlike other companies that have canceled plans, it appears to be convinced that it has an ironclad case. Only time will tell if this is true.

Since the launch of PS5 fans, they have been looking for replacement side panels, especially after a tear from the console came to light on how easy it was to print the side panels. Since then, some businesses have tried, but Sony has intervened – perhaps hoping to deliver its own versions in the future. DBrand is probably the most recognizable brand trying to do it well, and it’s already selling like hotcakes.

The matte black side panels cost $ 50 (a discount from the usual $ 60 to which they will return in the future) and the first three waves of awards have already sold out. At the moment, the company is taking orders for a shipment that goes out in May, while orders for the digital PS5 have yet to open. Of course, it is possible that Sony may even have its own board offering at some point. You do not really have to break down to have the plates replaced. They are actually designed to be shot down so that you can vacuum dust regularly through special chambers in the body.

DBrand also manufactures sheets for the middle front panel of the PS5, if you want to remove it from its fingerprint-gloss finish. There are simple matte sheets in neon yellow, black and white, as well as more personalized designs to choose from. This can be included with the purchase of the side plates for $ 12 or purchased for $ 20 alone.

DBrand does not shy away from challenging Sony to stop selling its products, and even goes so far as to etch its own unique patterns in the side panels to check the thousands of PlayStation symbols found on Sony’s white models. te boots. The company looks confident that these products will be shipped as promised, with the first group arriving this month.

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