Day after restriction changes, Utah reports 549 new COVID-19 cases

SALT LAKE CITY – The day after Utah’s largest provinces moved to the moderate transmission level, the state reported 549 new COVID-19 cases and five additional deaths on Friday.

LINKS: Here you can register for a COVID-19 vaccination in Utah

According to the Utah Department of Health, 816,934 vaccines have been administered in the state and 203 people are currently hospitalized with COVID-19.

The seven-day moving average for the percentage of ‘people above people’ positivity now stands at 9.8.

Following yesterday’s announcement by Governor Spencer Cox, Salt Lake and Davis can now reduce restrictions after being moved to the less strictly moderate level.

WATCH: Utah businesses celebrate their return to full capacity

Cox also announced that residents 50 and older are now eligible to receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Utah’s death toll from coronavirus now stands at 1,970:

  • Male, aged 65-84, resident of Salt Lake County, hospitalized at death
  • Male, aged 65-84, Cache County resident, long-term care resident
  • Female, aged 65-84, Utah County resident, long-term care resident
  • Female, aged 65-84, Cache County resident, long-term care resident
  • Female, aged 65-84, resident of Weber County, resident of long-term care
