Danna Paola le rompi el corazn al GUAPO hijo de Consuelo Duval; as reaccion la famosa

If you have any msif polifactica, guapa, talentosa, famosa y rompecorazones que Danna Paola, simply not the acquaintances, because the world is that this chic is an incansable actress and cantante who has been convicted worldwide thanks to his dedication, dedication and great charisma.

The model too, is one of the kantante y mexican actresses ms famosas en el mundo y nos guste o no, todos le conocemos o una cancin, o una novela, serie, galn o cualquier otra cosa relacionado con ella. For this, there are no extras, that the interpretation of ‘Sola‘haya tenido y todava tenga ms de un pretenders.

One of them fue sin duda Mich Duval, the guapo hijo of the actress and television director, Consuelo Duval, which in a program issue ‘Netas Divinas‘ad ad la cantante por haberle roto el corazn a su hijo, que adems, confes que fue la primera vez que eso le pas al guapo joven.

Guapo and trabajador

Agreed with the presenter, el joven Me Duval estuvo enamorado de la cantante de los 5 a los 8 aos de edad. El Duo de Consuelo Duval, ahora es un guapo joven, akteur, regisseur en produk of mexicano, vive en Loose ngeles, California, do not find yourself consolidating your career.

And Mxico, participated in the production como Assassin’s Wives y The Peluche Family. Also appear in the telenovela Atrvete a glider, donde comparti stel y conoci a Danna Paola. After seeing a paper on MTV Latinoamrica’s TV series, ltimo ao, with the paper from ngel Valdez, which made its debut in the international level show.

Currently, has participated in the television series Diableros como Alejandro y Tepoz, for a Netflix product and Inherited by accident, como Marco, in a product that is transmitted by Claro video.
