Danna García suffers from memory loss as a sequel to Covid

Danna García reparation ante the media luego of tomarse a time to recover from the sequels that the day padecer Covid, then during more than one conviction with the child can be seen with his family.

In an interview, the actress revealed that she is positive about the rehearsals on three separate occasions, that she dies in her health, as well as the loss of memory, cable and extreme resemblance to the skin.

“I’m with my alzado, I’m tired of it. I last a long time, dijo la interpreter sobre los sintomas que padeció debido a la enfermedad.

Danna García in the hospital

Colombia, Danna García, passed about three months ago debited to the nursery, and his testimonials were positive and Covid until finally the analysis resulted in a negative outcome.

“We have a lot of skin care, liquid retention, we have it for a few thousand months, te duele ista un rose, weight loss, the respiratory theme, from time to time if I need an air bag, extreme resemblance to all the body and inflammation at the cellular level ”, details the actress.

If it presents itself a few graves, make sure that “all different ways of reacting”, dijo, y recordó que antes de contagiarse había padecido de dengue, tan solo unos meses, por lo que sus pulmones ‘stán comprometidos’.
