Danilo Carrera was caught in Miami with his new love!

A months of its separation, shows images that are sufficient for the followers of the experience conformed to Michelle Renaud and Danilo Carrera especially that the actor has a new conquest, be treated by model and exreina de belleza Valeria Gutiérrez.

Die program ‘Con Permiso’, the journalist Martha Figueroa commented that the actor and his compatriot Ecuadorian fueron vistos juntos in Miami, Florida lo kual ya habría sucedido en anasiones anteriores.

The fans (of Danilo Carrera) that he saw for all the ladies said that because he was supervising the rupture with Michelle, because he had a new romance and because in Miami he had an affair that was called Valeria Gutiérrez, and they were seen together various times ”, made the comments of Figueroa.

Michelle and Danilo will end their relationship in January

Although it is assumed that Danilo Carrera habría argued that Valeria Gutiérrez is the herman of a friend, commenting on the fact that habría intended to rekindle a possible romance.

Danilo appears to have apologized by here I say: ‘Nee, nee, es la hermana de mis amigos‘. And what can you do with the herman of your friends? Yes! ‘”, continued the periodical of spectacles.

Valeria Gutiérrez is the official candidate 'n Miss.  Universe Ecuador 2021

Hasta el momento ni el actor ni Valeria Gutiérrez, current official candidate for Miss Universo Ecuador 2021, has been announced on the subject.

Michelle and Danilo, staging team in ‘Hijas de la luna’, have already started their relationship in 2018, without embarrassment, the 25th year will confirm their rupture in their social speeches.
