Daniella Chávez challenges censorship with ‘spicy’ photography along with the pool

The beautiful Chilean model and follower of the Eagles of Club America, Daniella Chávez, who accounted for 14 million followers, challenged the censorship with a message in social media, accompanied by a photo in a sensual bathroom.

The guapa model, who has been censored by Tik Tok for showing his body and criticizing that he has not been free to express himself with a large message.

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“Every day has social censorship more and more! There is no free expression of any kind! There is only a function for companies or discourses that pagans can like and follow! The rest of the limits are all! In tiktok ya me censoraron hice nada! Hooi videos que muestran todo y ahí están cómo si nada!

También pasa; que la que no puede denuncia y de esas hay muchas! En vez de denunciar cuídese haga algo por ud y deje vivir al resto! Mire que criticande o denunciando ud no va ser mejor persona, no va adelgazar y menos me hará brillar menos! Mientras yo sigo brillando ud sigue sin salir adelante porque esto preocupado del otro cuando debiere estar preocupado solo de ud “. Describe the model.

Next to the text, take a photo of a pink bathing suit next to the pool, challenging the censorship, showing its prominent attributes.

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