Daniella Álvarez, in the play, demonstrates her prosthesis – Entertainment – Culture

Reina’s ex and presenter Daniella Álvarez posted several photos on her Instagram, in which she lives in a Puerto Velero beach in Barranquilla.

With a green bathing suit, two pieces, Álvarez is very happy, but part of his pier Izquierda lies that he passed in March.

At the moment, a small tumor has been operated on that appears in his abdomen. The mass is very close to the aorta and this artery is affected, which impedes a good irrigation irrigation to its lower extremities. Although various interventions have not taken place, no solution has been issued and the amputation was carried out on 13 June.

During this time, Álvarez has shown valence and resilience, appreciating his life and being with his family, as well as the opportunities he presents, as he presents The challenge, of Caracol.

And while doing so, he demonstrates his complete prosthesis in various photographs.

Recently, moreover, Álvarez took into account his followers that the nerves of the tibia and the perineum of his pierna derecha are completely disfigured. “The electromyography shows that it has a very serious lesion of the rodilla below”, dijo.

“(…) Pese a que mi pie derecho quedó en muy buenas condition, no quedó functional para ese moment y los médicos me dijeron que con therapias, corrientes y eercicios lo más seguro era que se fuera a recuperar”. Sin embargo, nee ha sido así.

“Things are as they are and not as our taste buds that make them. This is the reality of life, but only when we believe in God, we have faith and hope that we all love God. Hoy en día sé cuál es mi mission de vida y entendí que Dios me está poniendo la tarea un poco más difikile para poder demostralle a lotas persona que con lo que tenemos es mais que suffice par lograr lo que nos proponemos“, written by Senorita Colombia 2012 on December 7th.

Sin embargo, not pierde the positivism and mean pass the last days of the year with his family, write: “Here it is. It is known as the UCI. I just want to read this day in which I am frustrated by the breeze, the sea, giving me all the difficulties. Este es el lugar donde nunca me falta nada y adivinen … LLEGÓ !! “.
